Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

Will Fallout 3 be remembered in 10 years' time?

  • Total voters
influenced many other games
No, it didn't.
revived a dead franchise.
It should have stayed dead.

What i'm noticing lately is that Fallout 3 is getting more and more criticized, specially because of the existence of New Vegas. Good, this game deserves all the bashing, plus more.

I mean, at least Fallout 3 nailed the themes.
What themes? If you mean the themes of stupidity, then it nailed it with flying colors. Because it sure as hell didn't nailed the themes of the franchise.
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It...is beloved. Huge success, influenced many other games, revived a dead franchise.
Well, Huge success when it was released, because Bethesda is good at hype train and also the classic Fallout fans all bought the game to see if it was "Van Buren 1.5". There is a reason why on almost all the gaming platforms that allow ranking/rate Fallout 3 is the second last ranked Fallout in existence (worst Fallout game is Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 is the one before that).

I know this because I got curious when that troll came by and made that clickbait thread. Let me see if I can find the ranks I posted back then:
This thread made me curious about how PC players (since console doesn't have Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics) rank the Fallout games. So I went digging around and collected information from the largest PC gaming places I could think.

Green will represent the game(s) with the highest rank and orange will be the game(s) with the lowest rank.

Rating from the players on GOG.com (goes from 0.5 ★ to 5.0 ★):
  • Fallout
    • 4.5 ★
  • Fallout 2
    • 5.0 ★
  • Fallout Tactics
    • 4.0 ★
  • Fallout 3
    • 4.0 ★
  • Fallout New Vegas
    • 5.0 ★
  • Fallout 4
    • (It is not available on GOG.com)

Rating from the players on Steam (goes from 0% to 100%):
  • Fallout
    • 93%
  • Fallout 2
    • 94%
  • Fallout Tactics
    • 82%
  • Fallout 3
    • 79%
    • 80% in the GOTY
  • Fallout New Vegas
    • 95%
  • Fallout 4
    • 68%

Rating from the players on Metacritic (goes from 0.0 to 10):
  • Fallout
    • 8.8
  • Fallout 2
    • 9.1
  • Fallout Tactics
    • 7.7
  • Fallout 3
    • 7.9
    • 8.6 in the GOTY
  • Fallout New Vegas
    • 8.6
    • 8.7 in the Ultimate Edition
  • Fallout 4
    • 5.4
It is interesting because Fallout 2 and Fallout New Vegas are the Fallout games people prefer.

Fallout 2 wins on Metacritic by just 0.4, Fallout New Vegas wins on Steam by just 1% and they tie on GOG.com with the maximum value possible.

The Fallout games people like less are Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Although Fallout 4 was reviewed-bombed due to the Creation Club.

What surprises me is that Steam Fallout players prefer Fallout Tactics to Fallout 3.
And my second "ratings post":
Rating from the players on GRY-online.pl (goes from 0.0 to 10):
  • Fallout
    • 9.0
  • Fallout 2
    • 8.9
  • Fallout Tactics
    • 8.5
  • Fallout 3
    • 8.2
  • Fallout New Vegas
    • 9.0
  • Fallout 4
    • 5.7
Polish players prefer Fallout 1 and Fallout New Vegas, but only by 0.1. Fallout and Fallout New Vegas: 9.0 and Fallout 2: 8.9.
Once again the lowest rated are Fallout 4 and Fallout 3.

Anyone knows any other sites or communities where people can review and rank PC games like Metacritic or this polish one? This thread would be perfect to keep the ratings on these games from many sources to compare later (even years from now).

I found GameRankings.com, but that one doesn't have player's rankings, but I did remember GameSpot, which has player ratings, so here is another source:

Rating from the players on Gamespot (goes from 0.0 to 10):
  • Fallout
    • 9.1
  • Fallout 2
    • 9.2
  • Fallout Tactics
    • 8.4
  • Fallout 3
    • 8.5 (8.8 average user rating, but that is counting the PS3 and XBox 360 users too)
  • Fallout New Vegas
    • 8.0 (8.3 average user rating, but that is counting the PS3 and XBox 360 users too)
  • Fallout 4
    • 6.6 (8.2 average user rating, but that is counting the PS4 and XBox One users too)
On Gamespot Fallout 2 is still the Fallout game with highest user ratings (even when we include console players for FO3, FNV and FO4 into the mix). One little surprise though, is that Fallout 3 is ranked higher than Fallout New Vegas.
But the highest and lowest games are still Fallout 2 and Fallout 4, respectively.

A note: We are looking at the PC players only as I explained before. Gamespot doesn't seem to have a way for us to see the average user rate by platform (at least I couldn't find it), so I had to go to the PC user reviews and add all of the rates from there together and then divide it by the number of reviews/users... This took a while... The values between parenthesis are the values you can find in the site (contains the average of the game in all platforms), although even with those the order of the best to worst game wouldn't change.
Also the franchise wasn't dead (I never understood where people got this idea). Troika had a deal on the table to buy the franchise before Bethesda even thought of it. Bethesda also didn't buy the franchise, the original contract was that Bethesda would have the rights to make 3 games using the franchise and that was it. But then they managed to put Interplay on court for whatever reason and since Interplay was already pretty much bankrupt by then, it couldn't afford the legal costs and had to "concede" defeat and was pretty much forced to sell the IP to Bethesda for 5.75 million dollars (+/-) because it had no more money left.

EDIT: I forgot to say that Interplay was also making a Fallout MMO, which Bethesda didn't buy the rights of, back then. So it wasn't dead and there was still games being made in the franchise. Probably an awful game since it was a MMO, but still not dead.
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It...is beloved. Huge success, influenced many other games, revived a dead franchise.
Well, @Risewild certainly answered everything.

Plus nowadays 3 doesn't get as much nostalgia as NV gets. To the point where some people on other places try to seem 'cooler' and 'edgier' by dissing NV whenever most people start or are in the midst of praising it.
I can say that over the years we had quite a fair share of players coming to the TTW team and saying that they had sold Fallout 3 but kept FNV, but bought Fallout 3 again just because they loved Fallout New Vegas so much that they think they will be able to finally enjoy it using TTW.
(worst Fallout game is Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 is the one before that).

This site literally labels "Brotherhood of Steel" as "Fallout: Piece of Shit." Fallout 4 I can see myself enjoying if I turn off my brain hours at a time. I can't imagine playing BoS more than a few minutes before turning into a literal ghoul.
This site literally labels "Brotherhood of Steel" as "Fallout: Piece of Shit." Fallout 4 I can see myself enjoying if I turn off my brain hours at a time. I can't imagine playing BoS more than a few minutes before turning into a literal ghoul.
You can't really rate what the "universe" of players of Fallout games think of them in comparison, because FOBOS only exist on a really old gen consoles.
And consoles do not have Fallout, Fallout 2 or Fallout Tactics. Let alone really old gen ones.
You can't really rate what the "universe" of players of Fallout games think of them in comparison, because FOBOS only exist on a really old gen consoles.
And consoles do not have Fallout, Fallout 2 or Fallout Tactics. Let alone really old gen ones.

I'm pretty sure FPOS would suck no matter on what device it was played on. Also, do Android devices count as "consoles?" Because I'm writing this on my tablet and with a few tabs I can play Fallout 1 & 2 on it using ExaGear. Modded too.

Furthermore, I've never heard anyone speak positively of FPOS. Never ever.
I'm pretty sure FPOS would suck no matter on what device it was played on. Also, do Android devices count as "consoles?" Because I'm writing this on my tablet and with a few tabs I can play Fallout 1 & 2 on it using ExaGear. Modded too.

Furthermore, I've never heard anyone speak positively of FPOS. Never ever.
But can you play Fallout 3, NV and 4 on your Android?
I can tell you something positive about FBOS. It doesn't break the lore as much as Bethesda Fallout games :lmao:.

Also, we can't rate FOBOS and compare it to the PC games because FOBOS can't be rated on Steam, GOG and pretty much all others big ranking sites that have more than a few people who played the games.
probably. people probably wont remember much about the game but rather the impression it had on them. it was probably a lot of peoples first """"""""""""""""""real""""""""""""""""""" (western) RPG

edit; i put probably not because im a braindead fucking retard
Oh I still hate it, don't worry about that.
I just don't hate all the people who like it as long as they are not obnoxious about it and go "You people all live in the past, change is good, Bethesda saved the Fallout franchise and kept it true to its roots, etc"
It'll definitely make an impact. It was the first time Fallout was on console (let's keep pretending BoS didn't exist), and it kickstarted Bethesda's career on consoles more than even Oblivion.

Will it be remembered? A few people will always remember it as either the greatest game they've ever played or the worst, depending on how much they liked it before it faded into nostalgic exaggeration. But it definitely won't be remembered as much as the trainwreck that is Skyrim, sadly
I find it funny, it's mostly remembered for not being as good as New Vegas.
It will be remembered for a good long while, at the very least. I still see a large number of people praising the game simply because it was 'their first fallout game.' Which is a milksop answer if I ever heard one, but people get nostalgic.

Hilariously, this forum is often accused by Fallout 3 fans of just catering to nostalgia. Critical thinking is such a lacking trait these days.
The ones I've talked to who give that answer always seem to admit the hypocrisy, at least. Better than "4 or nothing" fans.
Hilariously, this forum is often accused by Fallout 3 fans of just catering to nostalgia. Critical thinking is such a lacking trait these days.

Fascinating isn't it? Us fans who became fan of the franchise with FO1 and 2 are accused of holding on to the past and now thirteen years later the same can be said about the Fallout 3 fans that they are too blinded by nostalgia instead of accepting that Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 are the future.

Ah Irony you old dog, you did it again.
Probably the funniest thing i noticed lately is that people that used to call the people that hated Fallout 3 before and after release as "nostalgia blinded idiots" or saying they were "stuck in the past" have literally became the same when Fallout 76 or even Fallout 4 was released. Saying Fallout 3 was good and that the Fallouts that came after are terrible and Bethesda needs to go back to something like Fallout 3.

The inevitability of becoming an "old man yelling at the clouds".
Brought that up in another thread. The hilarious part is that people have called me nostalgic for the first two games when Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game, and only played the first two games after 3.