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  • Watching the original Planet of the Apes movies. Just finished Conquest.
    Youtube downloaders make me laugh. Hahahaha (mock laughter) The list of permissions you have to agree to is akin to downloading from a snide torrent site.
    Why did you post this on my profile? Like what does it gotta do with me?
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    Sorry Jorge bot. You may not be able to make logical progression.
    Does this ring a bell? Having Skype automatically installed after having to buy a new Microsoft Office License is insult to injury. Aug 26, 2022
    Having Skype automatically installed after having to buy a new Microsoft Office License is insult to injury.
    Skype is basically a virus. I mean, a messaging software that you can't close, what will they think of next?
    You should be able to find instructions online that will tell you how to keep it from starting.
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    Reactions: Jogre
    Which is a shame.
    That MrBTongue Video probably ruined a lot of video games for me, since the food question doesn't add up.
    Like, prior to the Industrial Revolution, something like 80% of the population were farmers.

    Cities used to be defined by the fact that they weren't self-sufficient food-wise, which was a major sign of wealth.

    People constantly underestimate how much farming is needed to sustain a population.
    Long time not seeing you.
    But yes it appears the need for adventurers basically fit well with the idea of saving men to grow foods instead of mass mobilization.
    My only issue is once again same as with Fallout, why the frontier have that so much bandits but than farmers.
    Because world design is hard.
    London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.
    Why the fuck is creating a footer that only shows one one page so complicated in Word?
    Create the footer as an image or a textbox. On the options of how it adjusts to text you simply select for it to go over text or under text and you move it to the bottom of the page where it won't interact with any text box.
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    Reactions: Jogre
    Why not add a custom header and a blower to supercharge it?
    @Walpknut Honestly the fact that your best advice is "Make a fake footer because real ones are too complicated" kinda demonstrates just how user hostile Word really is.
    The least realistic thing about Squid Game is the Frontman wearing a digital watch. That guy has too much class for that.
    I never really thought about it that way, but it would make sense if that were the intention. I was kinda amazed how many minor things from earlier episodes became thematically relevant, or otherwise clues to later plot reveals.
    Like how the old man seemed to be enjoying Red Light Green Light even as people were being shot, or aware that he's being taken advantage of in the Marbles game. I noticed those things at the time, but didn't expect them to be because of that.
    All the cars are of the brand the Main character used to work at before their union got busted and their strike was violently supressed by the police as well.
    I know I whinge about this all the time, but there is so much inaccurate/misinterpreted info on the Fallout Wiki.
    I mean even in New Vegas you could find Jet in "Unopened" vaults. For some reason those wiki people think we should treat an oversight like it's intentional.
    In this case, I will pay more attention to it. Thank you!
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I think we should create a new wiki, NMA Wiki or something, that only takes FO1, 2, FNV, perhaps Tactics, and perhaps even some pages for the TCs into account.
    Jesus fucking Christ Youtube, I don't want ads for fucking Nigel Farage's newsletter, I do not care about him, get that turtle out of my ads
    Ok the more I look in to this: apparently the character with the slave collar is underaged, and there's repeated abuse scenes. Jesus Christ.
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    Reactions: The GoBernment
    @Jogre I have nothing against a serious topic like rape or abuse being discussed in a form of media but you really need to tread carefully when bringing up those topics. New Vegas did this well with characters like Betsy and having abuse being implied in the Legion. Obsidian understood that not everything needs to be shoved in your face. Subtlety and brevity are the soul of wit after all.
    But, yeah, with the Frontier it 100% came across as the writers fetishes which is sickening. There is something disturbingly wrong with the devs of the Frontier.
    @RangerBoo Yeah, I made sure to word it as "Glamorised". There's nothing wrong with portraying serious topics provided they are treated sensitively. There is something that always creeps me out about them being portrayed fetishisticly.
    So apparently Fallout: The Frontier has foot fetish shit, and making an abuse victim wear a slave collar. What the fuck?
    Kind of late to the party, missed most of the fun.
    @TheGM Already know about the Deathclaw sex if that's what you were referencing. IDK, compared to actual master/slave fetishes performed on canonical abuse victims, that barely even registers as shocking anymore.
    @Jogre The Codex has been documenting the insane amount of fetishes that are in this mod. By the way, one of the editors for this mod wrote a 114 page Fallout 3 rape fanfic. I warn you, this rabbit hole goes deeper.
    "New Vegas plots are like muh House of Cards" "All New Vegas has that's interesting is (specific list of dungeons MATN mentions)" Ugh.
    Yes because the plots to Fallout 3 and 4's quests are so complex. Like how Bethesda stole the story from a New Vegas mod for Far Harbor. Also, who doesn't like a rehash of looking for your deadbeat dad or crotch fruit. So complex and thought provoking!
    Not to mention even ignoring the lore breaks the plots to 3 and 4 are still basically incomprehensible.
    Noticed how Bethesda fans are starting to sound increasingly like each other. Then I realised theyre getting word for word points from MATN.
    • Like
    Reactions: River Crab
    It's hilarious that Bethesda fans say people only hate Fallout 3 and the other Bethesda Fallout games because of a bandwagon, and then they start parroting what MATN says without actually thinking about his arguments. The delicious irony.
    Sometimes I wonder how I'd ever explain it if anyone saw it: "It's not as bad as it looks, see on some obscure video game forum"
    Still have a whole meme folder on my computer specifically for the 2017 Noob Battles, that I never got round to deleting.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    My only meme folder is the one taken from
    Y'all ever go back and read forum posts you made when you were younger and internally cringe at how dumb you were?
    Tried to get in touch with him asking if something had happened, and he seemed to block me over the mere mention of NMA. [2]
    He got butthurt over Avellone related shit. He has never been a huge fan of the site and mostly liked lording over the unofficial discord for prestige.
    What a faggot.
    I don't know what the drama has been since I left, but I hope Arnust is ok. He tried to stay in touch with me before he left and I [1]
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