Recent content by Bofast

  1. B

    Fallout: New Vegas Eurogamer Expo round-up

    I think the Average Joe gamer wouldn't even bother reading these reviews in the first place, or would find it horrible. Most gamers aren't as bad as one might think. Anyway, it's pretty obvious there are close to no video game "journalists" that have not already lost touch with reality and...
  2. B

    Chris Avellone Inside the Vault

    This is good! Designing mainly for the player, not the developer :D
  3. B

    Killap releases Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0

    Awesome! Gonna have to remember to download this later :D
  4. B

    Urquhart Inside the Vault, MCA Outside It

    My guess is early January, considering:
  5. B

    OnLive gets a launch date - June 17th

    Small games library, high prices, generally customer-unfriendly (pay a fee just to able to "rent" games) and technically very difficult to get working... I say it will crash and burn, possibly run with a loss for a while.
  6. B

    Security appears outside of Infinity Ward offices

    In case someone wants to see the lawsuit, it seems to be posted here:
  7. B

    Daggerfall engine recreation

    Sort of reminds me of the original Zelda being remade for computers, with the ability to add quests and stuff. This should look much better, though. Cool project, hope to be able to play it at some point in the future
  8. B

    Security appears outside of Infinity Ward offices
  9. B

    No DLC for FFXIII

    Ooh, that was a pretty amusing review. Thanks for the link :)
  10. B

    DRM and You! Thread

    Wow, that has got to be some kind of world record in stupidity :shock:
  11. B

    Fallout: New Vegas OXM preview scans

    You know, maybe they just got it backwards and wrote most of the game's dialog as stupid? :lol:
  12. B

    Heavy Rain: What has been Watched can not be Unwatched

    :rofl: Except they haven't made a 2D Mario platformer on console for how long? 18 years? No wonder the Wii became supply limited again, when all the old school NES and SNES gamers wanted a new, real, 2D Mario platformer after having been left behind around the late SNES and early N64 era. It's...
  13. B

    Bethesda to be at E3

    I doubt it. Natal is unlikely to take off for real, at least anytime soon and with the 360's current userbase. I expect some 1st party stuff using it, but not much else.
  14. B

    Bethesda to be at E3

    :rofl: Seriously, though, anyone here who will be there and can bring back any pieces of solid info?