Recent content by touriste

  1. touriste

    Online post-apocalpytic RPG Fraternity Project announced

    French here with a raw translation:
  2. touriste

    PCGzine previews Fallout: New Vegas

    the rabbit is their mascot. They just "falloutizes" it for the cover.
  3. touriste

    Good Old Games celebrates their first anniversary

    Giants: Citizen Kabuto Excellent action game with humor
  4. touriste

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    fire gecko pelt is already in the game if i remember.
  5. touriste

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    it's clearly written in Fallout Bible that developers intended to put it there (it's the Bible damnit!)
  6. touriste

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions

    damnit, i thought my computer was safe to this kind of problem but it seems not =_= When, I suppose, encounter Kaga (it should be the 4th time), my game gives me a black screen and a windows error which says a problem regarding dwwin.exe Do people here have the same problem?
  7. touriste

    Sounds from Fallout

    try Game Audio Player, it's an excellent software for this =)
  8. touriste

    Tumblin' tumbleweed

    for the hit points, let me remind you that the overseer in Fallout 1 was immortal with 1 HP (except for the game end). So as Chris Parks pointed out, there is a way...
  9. touriste

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    great work mash and weak-ling, I was waiting for this update =)
  10. touriste

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Hey, Killap would be able to add a button or shortcut to exit a city without needed to go the first area to walk on the exit zone. It's pretty boring with cities like NCR, VC and Gecko. When we enter cities, there are many shortcuts to go to different places (and it's bugguy e.g. you can go...
  11. touriste

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    and yes, we warned you that patching RP destroy your saves :D
  12. touriste

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Re: some remarques In the first part of the primitive tribe, you must look at the girl corpse (with binoculars) then you will see her ghost around midnight near the shaman's tent
  13. touriste

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    mhmm are you sure? In Fallout Bible, it's written that the script as a flag called kaga_dead which is tested at each possible encounter. Moreover, if Kaga is knock-out, i think to can finish him, can't you?