Walpknut May 16, 2020 Guy tells me I "Suck Pokemon's dick", I go to his profile and the dude literally makes furry porn LMAO.
Guy tells me I "Suck Pokemon's dick", I go to his profile and the dude literally makes furry porn LMAO.
Walpknut May 15, 2020 Sony Unveils their new super exciting exclusive: Open world game where you climb towers #2345678 but this time it takes place in Japan.
Sony Unveils their new super exciting exclusive: Open world game where you climb towers #2345678 but this time it takes place in Japan.
Walpknut May 14, 2020 I am almost certain Bethesda is upping the price of Fallout 76 right before every "discount" so they only discount a paltry amount.
I am almost certain Bethesda is upping the price of Fallout 76 right before every "discount" so they only discount a paltry amount.
Walpknut May 13, 2020 I might be a huge pussy but the Hypogean Gaol in Bloodborne actually creeped me out so much I had to stop playing for tonight.
I might be a huge pussy but the Hypogean Gaol in Bloodborne actually creeped me out so much I had to stop playing for tonight.
Walpknut May 13, 2020 I have beaten 6 games in month and a half. That's a weird feeling. I am not used to having this much free time.
I have beaten 6 games in month and a half. That's a weird feeling. I am not used to having this much free time.
Walpknut May 8, 2020 Villains in Star Wars movies are only ever intimidating in supporting material, with the sole exception of Darth Vader.
Villains in Star Wars movies are only ever intimidating in supporting material, with the sole exception of Darth Vader.
Walpknut May 5, 2020 People are so bored that Microsoft showing off the boot up sequence of the XboneX makes them piss their pants.
People are so bored that Microsoft showing off the boot up sequence of the XboneX makes them piss their pants.
Walpknut May 4, 2020 The new Rick and Morty episode really pulled the biggest troll with the trailer for the season. It was hilarious.
The new Rick and Morty episode really pulled the biggest troll with the trailer for the season. It was hilarious.
Walpknut May 3, 2020 DMC 5 is so good and plays like butter. Great palette cleanser for The Evil Within.
Walpknut May 2, 2020 The Evil Within plays like absolute dogshit, Holy shit. Why does this game have such high reviews?
Walpknut Apr 29, 2020 Bought Eastshade for the escapist fantasy of being able to go out and paint things.