Recent content by Wintermind

  1. W

    Kotaku Ranks The Fallouts

    (1-NV-2) > FOT > 3
  2. W

    Hope fallout 4 would be NV+fallout3

    Fallout Bible > farmed out promotional material and seriously there is plenty of vegetation in Fallout, please do not use that dumb 'less nukes in mojave/zion shit that is dumb, there requires vegetation as there are plenty of farms in Fallout 1/2, if no plants then like every animal is...
  3. W

    Horrible BoS armor design

    to make it 'theirs' clearly
  4. W

    Dust 514, Defiance, & Destiny

    Pubbies don't chat in dust between A) no one uses team chat because i want to talk to my squad and friends, not you fucking pubbie shitlords B) you're a fucking stranger and I'm not interested in talking to you and C) dust is buggy as fuck (CCP) and voice chat bugs out on changing voice channels...
  5. W

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I finally got around to watching Jango the other night. I fucking love Tarantino.
  6. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    In sad gun-related news, Tom Knapp is dead.
  7. W

    Bombs over Boston

    man oh man am i loving people flipping the shit out of refugees getting welfare and becoming citizens yknow because welfare is so well regulated and never abused im loving the news that the brothers had a single pistol on them, and were unable to figure out the mit cop's retention holster...
  8. W

    Fallout 4 multiplayer

    Go on. :allears:
  9. W

    Fallout 4 multiplayer

    that doesn't sound like fun that sounds exactly like fun like 90% of the reason i desire coops is because npcs are incompentant fuck ups who can't do shit other than 'shoot bad guys' when they feel like it
  10. W

    Bombs over Boston

    pretty much the only channel that was like "bombs? we think? went off and we don't know shit" was fucking sportscenter espn had the least speculative, least biased news coverage what does this say to you
  11. W

    Post a Screenshot

    It's hilairous when panic leads to a dead xeno, which was usually the cause of panic. They should've made a more complex morale thing so that you could raise morale/unpanic dudes when panicing producing results.
  12. W

    Small question regarding the old 10mm pistol

    it's gun that shoots bullets. bullets into mans dont think about it much more than that. Fallout isn't really the kind of game for that level of sperg (or atleast htat subject of sperg)
  13. W

    Fallout 4 multiplayer

    you are soooooooooooooo adorable i must say esp that use of sheep though im surprised you do go for sheeple but no really good well made co-operative modes are ideal for basically every game im sorry you dont have any friends
  14. W

    Small question regarding the old 10mm pistol

    It was included to look cool though. That's the entire reason for it's inclusion. (it looks cool)
  15. W

    Regarding the weapons and ammunition of the wasteland?

    There are a handful of reasons for it 1) RUSSIAN communist gear. Russians were still communists, right? 2) A counterattack by the Chinese/puppet states as an attempt to draw the pressure away from Mainland China left numerous Chinese weapons laying around 3) Take-home souvenirs from...