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    Video Game LIES!

    I remember EGM's classic Unlock Sheng Long Code. Such hilarity when my friends tryed to do that cheat, then fail miserably.
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    Per plays a game: Albion

    I could see that furry fuck Grizzly recommending this, but Rosh?! What madness has claimed us?
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    Anchorage screens and Q&A

    The game tricked me into thinking the Museum of Technology had a suit of T-51B there. Fucking computer lied to me. If it was there, it's now buried under some fucking rubble.
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    Apartment Nazi

    I have no idea what you just said. So some Christians are great, yet you say this thing fits this irrational numbfuck of a guy because he is Christian? Must have passed your doublespeak class with honors.
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    Why is no one talking about the Watchmen trailer?

    Why is the squid unfilmable? Just green screen in the fucking psychic squid. I'm pretty sure the audience can figure out what the hell it does.
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    Anime is inferior to pretty much anything. It's not deep at all, yet the same bastards keep telling Neo Evangelion or whatever the fuck it's called was deep. It isn't.
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    Apartment Nazi

    How come the mods vatsed my reply, but left this equally obnoxious shit post here? It seems pretty odd that the mods ignore anti-Christian remarks.
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    Fallout 3 nominated for WGA award

    My atheist sense is tinglin'.
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    NMA's Fallout 3 Mod Showcase: 14th January 2009

    Couldn't Bethesda just add the classic energy guns? I mean it's easy in terms of balance. Hey, this Wattz plasma rifle is strong, but fires and reloads slow. This laser rifle is an energy sniper. Woohoo! Nope, they gotta have only their stuff.
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    NMA's Fallout 3 Mod Showcase: 14th January 2009

    I envy those with an awesome computer. I want that plasma rifle now.
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    Fallout 3 hate backlash

    CoD 5? WROOONG! It's World at War. And yes, being a primary Xbox 360 player, with a subpar computer that at least runs Fallout 1, I can say everybody has moved on to CoD and GoW 2. L4D seems to have slowed down for me.
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    Fallout 3 hate backlash

    God, retards like this make me wanna shoot somebody. "Oh stfu you haterz, Fallout 3 is teh shit and nuthin is wrong with it!!!11!"!
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    Afterfall Goes Console

    Here is proof of Computus Elitis, an animal of the Video Game Kingdom. This creature believes that it's method of game playing, the computer, is superior to all. This creature acts like it is superior to the console genus, and insults them with such names like "consoletard", "console kiddie"...
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    Jeff Gardiner and Anchorage screenshots

    The hissing sound of veiled flaming.
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    Jeff Gardiner and Anchorage screenshots

    Are you the official judge of what Fallout is? Because I thought you were just some fan of Conan and Fallout on the Internet. Don't tell me what to think. If I come off as a Bethesda defender, I'm not. I know that Fallout 3 is a faint ember compared to the sun that is Fallout. Doesn't mean I...
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    The real issues with Fallout 3, in my opinion.

    Bethesda had to say he was from Britain, and not just some dude descended from British people who managed to keep the accent for centuries. Not to mention that if he could repair a ship, why did he come to the US? He could be rich in Britain with that kind of repair skills. I'm pretty sure that...
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    Questions about FEV in Fallout 3

    Horrigan had a power armor suit and lots of chems being put into him. I believe that's how he lived so long. Otherwise, I think his back would have snapped or his heart would have gave out.
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    1UP interview with Emil

    Lawlz. They screwed up the ending because they didn't think it through. I would have put up with a one month delay just to not have such a god awfully stupid ending.
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    NMA's Fallout 3 Mod Showcase: 27th December 2008

    Just go into the GECK and rename it the Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle.
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    Fallout 3 wins RPG of the Year at Gamespot

    You know, 4too, you could save time on posts by getting straight to the point. Alright you guys. Fallout 3's quality can be debated all year long, but it is fact that Fallout 3 had little competition. After all, there was only Fable 2 and some other JRPGs.