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  1. S

    Bethesda hacked, user accounts info compromised

    Codemasters got the same thing too, just read about it. Apparently alongside Sony, Nintendo, Eidos and Codemasters, now there's Beth too.
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    First details on Dead Money, New Vegas' first DLC

    Nice bear-trap-punching-glove thingy in the screenshot. Cool concept. Pretty useless for the player in a (still) primarely guns shooter game.
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    Fallout: New Vegas hack & slash gameplay video

    The Lakelurks were pretty cool! I like those small heads! And also, has anyone noticed how both heads of that Brahmin pop off at the same time? With just one bullet...
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    Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary #4 - The Factions

    Mr. House looks like a nice guy to work for.
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    Fallout: New Vegas interviews

    Romans in this game IS goofy shit. Yet, no perk is needed to see them. Maybe there should also be a perk that changes the CL's clothes to something more wasteland-ish and less goofy-shitty.
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    OXM US also has a go at a New Vegas preview

    Well, at least it's called Fallout New Vegas and not Fallout 4. Although, everybody that's played fo3 and skipped the others, must be pretty sure Fallout is a fps franchise.
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    New Vegas debut trailer

    I liked the robot trying to dig out that body. It would have been much easier to grab hold of it's foot and pull it out of the sand. Dumbot! :mrgreen:
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    Fallout 2: Dominion Screenshots and Videos

    Я не могу понять русский :|
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    Interplay did not win preliminary injunction hearing

    With better dialogues, better story, more interesting locations, it could be an improvement to bethout 3.
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    Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta review

    Godzilla ... or bust !
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    Rage trailer

    "A new vision" LOL , that's so 1995.
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    No more DLCs?

    Better yet, Teenage Mutant Ninja Mirelurks. :clap: That's a great idea, I'll mail it to Beth straight away. And for crying out loud, old Fallout fans want a Godzilla DLC ! They need to put Godzilla in the next mystery DLC, they must.
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    Mothership Zeta trailer and dev diary

    I love dinosaurs! But I prefer mammoths and saber-tooth tigers in the next DLC. Godzilla is still one of the best ideas to me. Maybe there will be something to connect Washington to New Vegas somehow, eventually. That is, if the action in Fallout3 and New Vegas will take place at the...
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    More Zeta screens

    That was my first reaction too.
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    First Mothership Zeta pic at extreme low quality!

    I'd like the aliens to win in this one, to nuke the planet. So that the next one would be about a planet full of ghouls and alien-mutants. I liked the Godzilla idea. Hey, maybe you can see New Vegas through that glass floor.
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    The RPG Genre is fucked up

    They're right! If you were around when the Fallouts were hot, before 2000, you'd feel like these guys too, if you started playing PC games after 2005, then F3 is god, nothing better has ever been done and DLC's are the best things ever invented. Fallout 1&2 are old. Old gamers love them.
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    A new Fallout game... by Obsidian?

    This news article made me wanna post a comment again. :postviper: Interesting. :confused: Could it be that Beth realized they're missing the boat with their interpretation of Fallout and decided to let someone else have a go at it ? Hard to believe that :scratch:, but let's see what will...
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    Editorializing Fallout 3

    As it can be found on their official site ... "Three downloadable content packs will be coming to Xbox 360 and Games for Windows Live starting in January that will add new quests, items, and content to Fallout 3. * Operation: Anchorage. Enter a military simulation and fight in one of...
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    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #39

    :ugly: :silly: :freak: :rofl:
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    Todd Howard on Fallout 4

    EA Sports