Storage: 150 GB available space"
We need 150GB of disk space for this?

Storage: 150 GB available space"
We need 150GB of disk space for this?

That's fucking absurd."Requirements:
Storage: 150 GB available space"
We need 150GB of disk space for this?
On GOG, it says that the Early Access version (that doesn't contain most of the game) download size is 67GB. This is damn huge...That's fucking absurd.
I haven't been too interested in BG3 because Baldurs Gate, while fun, was never my favorite cRPG series and I am tired of all this fantasy shit and if they're gonna do basically Divinity Original Sin 3 then do it for your own universe and expand upon it rather than jump shit to another series. So there's a bunch of reasons for why I haven't been keeping up with it. But... It doesn't mean I have no interest in it. But this? I want a uglier version of the game that doesn't take up 150 fucking gig because there is no way I'm bothering downloading something like that. Whatever the fuck is in that game that requires that much space, it isn't worth it.
install size is around 80gb, it doesn't take up 150. We like you having at least 150gb because that's just good for u
Apparently the game will be around 80GB. They just put 150GB because "having 150GB free is good for u"... I'm not joking:
I think it will be a decent RPG but not really much of a Baldurs Gate game like the previous ones have been. What I have seen from the companions for example it will be your typical DO:S II Formula.
Apparently the game will be around 80GB. They just put 150GB because "having 150GB free is good for u"... I'm not joking:
Anyone psyched for this game?
But there’s a cause Digital Trends doesn’t mention that may deserve consideration of its own: The death of disc-based media. So long as games shipped on physical media, the installation size of any given title was limited to the maximum capacity of its storage. While companies have shipped multi-disc games in the past, most prefer to avoid the additional cost of including more than one disc, and more and more games are shifting towards a digital-only distribution model. Titanfall 2 on PC never included a disc at all, and Forza 7 only includes a physical disc if you buy the Ultimate version of the game. Moreover, the “Play Anywhere” option that lets you share the game between a PC and an Xbox is only available if you buy the game digitally; the disc-based version lacks that feature.
One way games have gotten around the physical installation size limit is by requiring substantial updates or downloads after the disc-based installer has begun, but this isn’t a popular option. Most people don’t like paying for physical media only to be forced to download a few dozen GB of data as part of the process. Furthermore, this solution can still leave customers with bandwidth caps unable to use the media they may have specifically purchased to avoid the bandwidth cap issue. Faster connections can blunt the impact of larger game installation times. But they do nothing for capped customers, and the time it takes to download the installation files is only part of the installation time.
As physical media is phased out of gaming, I suspect we’ll see game installation sizes grow, not shrink. Without the need to cram the entire title on a single physical disc, developers will have less reason than ever to be particularly concerned about how big their titles are. The fact that we’re already seeing 100GB installs in the current cycle suggests they’ll continue to grow over the next few years.