Actually a sentient CRT
Have you not read the other comments? Most have been saying the same thing since Beth is not known for its storytelling capabilities. Hell, think of whatever cliche or trope that you can think of and it will probably be in Fallout 4. Plus you were way more obnoxious long before you started your flame war with me. God forbid anybody have an option that is different from yours!![]()
I'm not really DISAGREEING with you, I just think the prevalent mindset of passive-aggresive distrust in Bethesda and new videogames as a whole is a bad influence and negative as a whole. I'm just saying- or trying to say, my bad, I of all people am bad at communicating in clear terms- that the prevalent NMA mindset is negative and shouldn't be that way, and we should have more faith. It's optimistic, but I also think it's realistic: we have to concede to new things. I remember certain threads where people would suggest Fallout go back to being sprite-based- not just isometric, but SPRITE-BASED. I think we need to accept things are changing. And also take things less seriously as a whole; they are, after all, VIDEOGAMES.