Would have been interesting if the Vault had a GECK and you used that to build a REAL settlement.
I don't know about anybody else, but I like to play multiple playthroughs through FO type games being different people.
(if this has been commented on already, please ignore)
Been watching the Mrs play through Fallout 4 and couldn't help but notice all the cats around.
Nice middle finger to us OG Fallout fans.
He is always complaining about having no money, yet preorders two yes two copies of Fallout 4 but won't buy Wasteland 2 or pillars because they're too expensive.......
I am also in the camp that cats (or horses for that matter) would be pretty trivial retcons to the Fallout universe.
If they are rare I can live with that but I don't mind having them around.
My biggest problems are with the changes of gameplay, lore about factions, organizations, technologies, how devastating the war truly was and its after effects, and mutants such as Ghouls and Super Mutants.
Oh man, I fucking love the character creator though.