Stone Cold Robert House
Mojave Rattlesnake
So now my LAPTOP is giving me grief, too! For those to whom the news escaped (fuck this keyboard), my most-likely-PSU died on me on Saturday, and I've been using a laptop ever since. Well NOW my laptop wants to be a bitch, too! Always crashing unpredictably whenever I'm watching youtube clips. The cause is possibly either outdated or corrupted (gotta love the lack of specificity, eh?) driver software, so I gotta deal with THAT shit now, too!
Fuck, at this rate, I'll finalize my plans to complete my new computer, I'll piece it all together, install the OS, download all the updates, and AS SOON AS I feel ready to go to enjoy my new computer, the fucker will most likely burst into flames just to spite me! >_<
Also, fuck this keyboard.
Laptops are the worst when it comes to hardware issues. I use one because I have to be able to take my primary PC wherever I go but if something goes wrong it's so much harder to fix than a desktop. My previous laptop, for instance, was crashing more and more frequently and worked more slowly the longer it was on, which led me to formatting it a few times, until I finally opened it up and saw the problem had nothing to do with memory or anything... the cooler had just stopped working completely. I was cooking my computer and didn't even realize it! Couldn't find another cooler that fit in that space for a good price so just got a new one, a great choice in retrospect, but at the time I was just angry that I didn't have anywhere near the amount of repair options as I'd have with a desktop.