Mildly Dipped

Stop feeding the Troll. Kthxbye.
I don't see you giving a large list of why it isn't a good rpg.Eyenixon said:somehow people think it's the new messiah of cRPGs, give a large list of what you find so great about this game
Eyenixon said:blah blah
Paul_cz said:6) Combat system which is both fun and engaging (needs to be played on hard)Eyenixon said:blah blah
Eyenixon said:What changes, is it just more difficult or is there something beyond the clicking?
aronsearle said:Also, I don't understand the love of the alchemy system, you pick things up, you go into a menu, and press "make potion", just seems like unnecessary micromanagement to me, though alot of crafting systems in games seem just as popular and similar in principle, personal tastes yadda yadda.
Hang in there. I thought the first 10-15 hours were pretty droll. About half way through the murder investigation it starts getting good, and gets great near the end.MrBumble said:Just bought The Witcher : Enhanced Edition. My feelings are rather mixed so far. While I kinda like the atmosphere, I don't really like the setting nor the main character. The quests so far are not really interesting and there was little choice and consequence so far ( again, I'm only two hours into the game ). On the other hand I really like the combat system and the graphics are rather nice ( even though they don't really justify the system requirements imo ).
As regards the contents of the Enhanced Edition : well it's a pretty good pack for a reasonable price !
Dove said:Hang in there. I thought the first 10-15 hours were pretty droll. About half way through the murder investigation it starts getting good, and gets great near the end.MrBumble said:Just bought The Witcher : Enhanced Edition. My feelings are rather mixed so far. While I kinda like the atmosphere, I don't really like the setting nor the main character. The quests so far are not really interesting and there was little choice and consequence so far ( again, I'm only two hours into the game ). On the other hand I really like the combat system and the graphics are rather nice ( even though they don't really justify the system requirements imo ).
As regards the contents of the Enhanced Edition : well it's a pretty good pack for a reasonable price !
I've been reluctant to PC gaming for two years, this game and Clear Sky reminded me why...
I think it get's the job done. I like the atmosphere a lot more than what I've seen of Fallout 3 so far.MrBumble said:It is moody and looks cool but the texutres are really poor and the technology they use is even less impressive than Fallout 3...
Strange. I run everything on max, including AA. And I only have an E6300, 2gb ram and a single 8800GT.MrBumble said:I'd expect this game to play better on my rig ( E8400, 3go ram, 2*9800GT SLi ) but there is some annoying stuttering at times ( well ok, I can run it on max details but I have to turn AA off ! ).
Dove said:Yeah, both are from newcomers, from Eastern Europe (I think, not sure about Stalker). It's great for innovation, but they should have collaborated with a big company to optimize performance.