Crni Vuk Aug 21, 2019 You have to approach Fallout 76 like a Vulcan. If Todd Howard started to talk would he nerve pinch him?
You have to approach Fallout 76 like a Vulcan. If Todd Howard started to talk would he nerve pinch him?
Crni Vuk May 30, 2019 Chernobyle. Scientist dieing horroribly to radiation? Terrible. I guess. Soldiers shooting radiated puppies? MY FUCKING HEART HURTS!
Chernobyle. Scientist dieing horroribly to radiation? Terrible. I guess. Soldiers shooting radiated puppies? MY FUCKING HEART HURTS!
Crni Vuk May 11, 2019 'Subverting Expectations' is my new line of the year, which stands for "bad writing", which has to be sold to fans as great content.
'Subverting Expectations' is my new line of the year, which stands for "bad writing", which has to be sold to fans as great content.
Crni Vuk Apr 7, 2019 I am shocked and saddened to hear of Karl Marx's tragic death 236 years ago. I really thought he was still alive :/
I am shocked and saddened to hear of Karl Marx's tragic death 236 years ago. I really thought he was still alive :/
Crni Vuk Mar 28, 2019 Froh wie seine Sonnen fliegen durch des Himmels prächtigen Plan, laufet Brüder, eure Bahn, freudig wie ein Held zum Siegen!
Froh wie seine Sonnen fliegen durch des Himmels prächtigen Plan, laufet Brüder, eure Bahn, freudig wie ein Held zum Siegen!
Crni Vuk Mar 22, 2019 Cahf ah nafl mglw'nafh hh' ahor syha'h ah'legeth, ng llll or'azath syha'hnahh n'ghftephai n'gha ahornah ah'mglw'nafh!
Cahf ah nafl mglw'nafh hh' ahor syha'h ah'legeth, ng llll or'azath syha'hnahh n'ghftephai n'gha ahornah ah'mglw'nafh!