Recent content by Erny

  1. Erny

    New Vegas is way too complex

    Ok the firts paragraph reffers to the UI problems and item sorting which DO exist. But the inane stuff he writes about combat is ridiculous. @"Combat is a two step-process that involves first discovering a threatening creature, then deciding whether or not to fight it" LOLWHAT?
  2. Erny

    Done one run > The Yes Man

    Indeed! I killed all the Legion camp and then House and transfered yesman to Lucky38... and nothing happened! The main story is not going anywhere (or leading you - for a better wording)
  3. Erny

    More Fallout Then Fallout (MOD)

    NV one is a nice model, not very nice texture tho
  4. Erny

    Fallout 3: Reclamation (WIP)

    Have you done any quests scripting?
  5. Erny

    My Fallout: New Vegas Mods

    I using brahmins for sure, never liked the red sick looking ones
  6. Erny

    [FNV|WIP] Wasteland Factions

    How you gonna go about voicing the quests?
  7. Erny

    Fallout 1 unfair combat

    Hehe Fallout 1 is really easy. Combat is unfair towards your enemies. But Fallout 2 turns the tables.
  8. Erny

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    Is it possible to make sniper rifles have accuracy penalties at short range?
  9. Erny

    Are shotguns utterly worthless?

    Hunting and Lever SGs are good. Riot SG is very good. At med\short range obviously. Sawed-off is crap - it has shitty dps. Ofcourse you need slugs and Shotgun Surgeon perk against enemies with any armor. Slugs are easy to make - you only need repair 25, thats a big plus.
  10. Erny

    A few simple FNV mods

    Nice and seems balanced I like the gun but its too weak in NV
  11. Erny

    Armor Recipe Mods

    ok consider it fixed
  12. Erny

    Armor Recipe Mods

    Ill see what I can do about Leather Armor texture btw how to preview the DLC armor in Geck?
  13. Erny

    Pacifist bonus perk?

    I thought it woul be great to have a perk\trait that grants you bonus xp (like +20%) for as long as you have 0 in the killstats. But as soon as you kill anything - you lose this trait. Is it possible to create such a thing? Wonder why developers didnt have this option in the game. It would...