Recent content by Jarno Mikkola

  1. J

    Fan Made Fallout Alpha Demo Build 003

    :roll: It might have been one or the other and they now use the v1.02... unlike in the previous.
  2. J

    Fallout Tactics Hi-Res Patch

    Well, yeah. But perhaps it's because I put my head so close to the monitor. :lol: And I use the 24" 1920x1200 always, and yes I have classes, but perhaps I can focus my vision better because of it... :mrgreen:
  3. J

    Fallout 2 - Burst

    Well, the burst fire has a combined CtH, at least in theory. So, if a gun that has only 50% chance of hitting an opponent... fires 2 shots, it's combined chance of hitting is 75%... fires 3 shots it's combined chance of hitting is 87.5%... So your change of hitting was actually quite low... in...
  4. J

    Fallout Tactics Hi-Res Patch

    Wow, this works perfectly on my 24" monitor on 1920*1200 res... Wonderful work man.
  5. J

    Your thoughts regarding TOEE?

    That's not the actual Chatic Evil way of doing things, especially in CRPGs, the way to do it is to first help the good people, and when the neutral-evil people are dead, kill the good people too. This way you get the best rewards, and can keep lying to the good people, that yes, the caravan...
  6. J

    Fallout 2 Windows Vista 64 Bit Persisting Problems

    Ah, but you might have forgotten that the original game was for 8 bit or something, system. Now to get the thing working you might want to do a manual install... 1) Copy master.dat and critter.dat files and DATA directory from the CD to game directory. 2) Then go inside the \PROGRAM\WIN...
  7. J

    “Bethesda Softworks Can Suck It”

    This is all just PR, remember? The whole article is directed to us. :|
  8. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    That happens to me in F1 quite lot, it's because the Graffic card has failure to understand the old color settings. If the problem insists a repair, you can try to set the GPU control's to preference to Performance(instead of Quality). This has the effect that the colors don't get switched...
  9. J

    Fallout 1 Resolution Patch

    You need the Team X's v1.2, which is different than the usual 1.2. Direct download link.
  10. J

    Movies that don't suck

    Resident Evil 1-3 The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (as it was originally named)
  11. J

    Fallout 3's "200 endings"

    Well, if we take it literary, the 200, is actually 5*5*2*2*2. So that's three big yes/no. 5 npc endings and Karma alignment, as in Very good/Good/Neutral/Bad/Bad ass. :(
  12. J

    Cannot get Raiders on the map

    Did you use it? In the inventory screen. I got the raider base location after I had done a few scouting quest for the Vault City officer in the Correction Center, he sends you to the quest after you have solved the village quest and scouted out NCR, and as you leave the courtyard near the...
  13. J

    Artificial nucleotide base pair created

    It's all about the energy efficiency, after all we work on about 50-60% efficiency, unlike our cars and other machines that are about 10% at tops. :( The meteor thing also comes to this too, now that we have secured our basic day to day survival, somethings in the nature need to change to...
  14. J

    Fallout 3's "200 endings"

    Well, 200 is a good start, as they say... let's just hope they do it the right way- so the mechanism is dynamic, so I can go and kill the person I just saved because I just like it and get the right ending reporting that indeed the person died... :look: unlike in the Fallouts :P Besides, if...