The Lakelurks were pretty cool! I like those small heads!
And also, has anyone noticed how both heads of that Brahmin pop off at the same time? With just one bullet...
Romans in this game IS goofy shit. Yet, no perk is needed to see them.
Maybe there should also be a perk that changes the CL's clothes to something more wasteland-ish and less goofy-shitty.
Well, at least it's called Fallout New Vegas and not Fallout 4. Although, everybody that's played fo3 and skipped the others, must be pretty sure Fallout is a fps franchise.
Better yet, Teenage Mutant Ninja Mirelurks. :clap: That's a great idea, I'll mail it to Beth straight away.
And for crying out loud, old Fallout fans want a Godzilla DLC ! They need to put Godzilla in the next mystery DLC, they must.
I love dinosaurs! But I prefer mammoths and saber-tooth tigers in the next DLC.
Godzilla is still one of the best ideas to me.
Maybe there will be something to connect Washington to New Vegas somehow, eventually. That is, if the action in Fallout3 and New Vegas will take place at the...
I'd like the aliens to win in this one, to nuke the planet. So that the next one would be about a planet full of ghouls and alien-mutants.
I liked the Godzilla idea.
Hey, maybe you can see New Vegas through that glass floor.