Atomic Postman
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  • jesus fucking christ doing university online is a clusterfuck
    Yeah, I couldn't get into the online classes so I suspended my semester until they can be done in site again.... but I also got a Cat so I might have closed that door for a while.
    Pretty disappointed with The Boys S2 so far. Fell into the common trap of being secure in viewership so adoping an absolutely glacial pace
    The comics go at a glacial pace. People already want this show to be at Volume 11 with Homelander in the White House.
    I'm not joking either. People already want Homelander murdering people in the open thus moving the plot right to the end.
    Cole Phelps is one of the most underrated video game characters of all time
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    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    I also like that when you go to any article or video on the game it's all, "Whore? Orient? YIKES probably a good thing this never sees the light of day... I mean it is [current year]".
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    The war flashback scenes are the peak of the Cole character tbh
    While I always thought that truth,doubt,lie was kinda crap. Good/Bad Cop just sounds stupid.
    Trump admitting to playing down the virus on recording. Wowza.
    He should have pretended that it was half the threat he thinks sleepy Joe is.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Yes, TheGM, that was exactly what I was getting at. Congrats at another good take. Wouldn't expect anything less.
    Indeed. We need more panic in our lives.
    Why's there so few space opera RPGs?
    I'd agree with space hard. You have to come up with reasons you can't travel between planets if you want to stick to one area. If you want to go to multiple you get hit with the "why am I so restricted to such small areas" complaint.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    People who make that complaint are dumbasses
    Because traveling from planet to planet and only landing in box canyons to fight Jelly Monsters is the best type of space game.

    Why is there never any Fleet Actions? Hell there never is even any ship to ship action. I want to see missile and laser spam across thousands of kilometers in the darkness of space.
    RNC intro was straight out of a Paul Verhoeven movie
    so it was based as fuck I take it.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Johnny Rico to speak in on Day 2 for the Saviour of Western Civilization
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Didn't see any interesting speakers, a lot of disappointments though. Still have to watch it.
    Air conditioning is humanity's greatest invention and it so horribly reminds you of it's vital importance when it stops working
    I had to go through a whole week without electricity because of a light hurricane. Shit fucking sucks.
    I've only ever had box fans in the windows. I set the house up like a pc case with one side of the houses windows sucking air in while the other blows it out lol
    I'd almost agree if it weren't for SANITATION
    Returning to Florida currently has the same vibe as approaching the Shimmer in Annihilation. Well call me Natalie Portman cause I'm goin'
    Becoming too fixated with rewriting stuff which I think were massive missed potential. It is the most frustrating of autistic fanwank.
    Put that energy and ideas into original stuff. Much better and more fullfilling use of that time.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I am not creative enough to be entirely original. I can only write within the framework of existing IPs.
    Take the plunge and you'll see you do have it in you.
    Halo Infinite reminds me of Force Awakens in literally the worst way possible.
    I've heard both it's open world and it's open level. Open level could work well I think. Open world will most likely make it shit. Also, sprints still in so whatever boooooo
    I saw a pic and thought open world Halo with a Doom grappling hook? How innovative.
    This is actually the first time I've been excited for a 343i Halo. There's so many risks and possibilities that come with it. Hopefully Forge ends up being good.
    Anyone seen Mad Men? Thoughts? Thinking of giving it a try.
    On the latest updates of NMA raids. We are apparently now posting pictures of New Vegas in order to harass and shutdown the Fallout general.
    Where are these NMA Raiders coming from? The Unofficial NMA Discord?
    I think they are a conspiracy from overall fallout internet communities (apart from NMA).
    They think NMA organizes "raids" into other communities and harass them and whatever else.
    We're like a deranged classic fallout cult or something for those people.
    They aren't coming from anywhere that is associated directly with NMA @TorontoReign . If any of these people are members on NMA they aren't organizing this on the forums or Discord. It's mostly a scapegoat as Rise said.
    Fallout Reddit using shitty arguments to defend games that absolutely raped and destroyed a franchise for profit. What else is new?

    Whatever choices Fallout 3 have are completely shitty, black and white "choices" with no consequence of any kind. Remember Daddy dearest being "disappointed" with you when you destroy a town of innocent people because someone thought the town was ruining the view from his tower?
    I hated "Dad"'s flaccid-ass response to everything, I wonder if Liam was in a hurry to go shopping or something, such wasted, uninspired voice-work...
    If i was working with Bethesda i sure as fuck would put the minimum effort. Because the minimum effort is what Bethesda is putting into their games. Hope Liam Neeson got a fat paycheck.
    High fidelity remakes that completely obliterate the art style of the original is gaming's definitive monkey paw wish. End this torture.
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    New and Tasty says hello.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    You get the odd winner. Halo CE Anniversary is a butcher job but Halo 2 Anniversary is literally the peak of the entire series.
    C&C looks pretty good, too. Although I guess that's more of a remaster than a remake.
    Trying to brainstorm a way of making "rolling for stats" viable in my Fallout PnP without it being broken. Could use some input.
    I don't know what kind of slav magic the Metro games work on, but fuck these look amazing and run buttery smooth, not to mention being old
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    Pretty sure Last Light was used as a graphical benchmark for awhile. They're not bad games and I really enjoyed the first two the first time I played them.
    Fuck, Morricone is gone. RIP to the legend.
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