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  • One of the depressing things bout googling stuff lately, is all the "U WANNA BUY!?" results. No, man, I'm just curious bout stuff...
    Like now, I'm trying to research door-lock nomenclature, basically. What are door lock components called? ALL I get, ALL I get, are offers to buy high security door locks, prices, prices, prices, buy, buy, buy, ORDER HERE, ORDER NOW, it's depressing...
    If you google enough rope to hang yourself you used to get ads for rope and google would only post suicide prevention line if you did it twice. It's been fixed but that was always super funny to me.
    Lately I'm spotting Mars a lot, in the eastern sky, fairly low in the sky, but well above the horizon
    While I usually see Venus take a travel across the eastern sky, low horizon to low sky, around dawn-hours, I tend to spot Mars earlier in the evening, around 6-8 maybe, I haven't made sure. I'm now curious how come I never spotted it before, or at least not with such clarity.
    But what about Uranus?
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    It's to far away. You can't see it with the naked eye.
    fucking peasants, man... whenever someone religious tells me I should read about Jesus, because they think I'm unaware - - - of Jesus.
    sounds like u need some Jesus bruh
    They tell me the same even tho I graduated from a Catholic school and went all the way to making the Confirmation because the school basically made it mandatory.
    Those people are great. they laughs they provide can lift any day. Fedora tippers on the other hand are the absolute worst.
    Early dawn, horizon is reddish yellow, sky is dark blue, and a single celestial object is visible, clearly, brightly shining Venus
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    if all those people were less stupid, they'd take the time to truly appreciate this whole other world, visible to their naked, stupid eyes, instead of tarding about ufos
    Not as exciting as aliens. I knew one fathead that was pointing at something all night thinking it was a UFO. I eventually stopped trying to tell him it was a satellite and went in the house.
    Btw, as much as I love bikes, I'm never getting a bicycle-guy outfit, god those condom-suits are obnoxious
    I did get myself a sort of light-weight water-proof outdoors-attire though, all black, so I put that shit on, my helmet, aviators (for the wind, and bonus untrustworthyness) and my bicycle gloves if the rain and wind is extra brisk. All that together, I must admit myself, makes me look ridiculously awesome
    would it be weird if I just went and bought a jar of pesto, and ate that shit with a spoon?
    Christ man, someone told me that you can work your way up to become a billionaire. Why do people believe that stupid shit!?
    The chance of being struck by lightning is 1 to 700 000.

    If lightning equalled a billion stupid dollars, then congrats, you have a world view where you consider it a fucking privilige to exist in an environment where you slave your wage away, in the slim chance a lightning will strike you, blessing you with the ONE only possible blessing the desired society has to bestow upon you
    Super duper, you live in a world where you MIGHT be the one man to invent something truly new, "from your garage", or more likely, inherited the means to conglomerate existing fortunes together. Which one is it? You inventing something brilliant yet?
    You can however become a millionaire. Just win a game show. Duh.
    Korn's "Issues" is a pretty cool album. Hadn't listened in... well two decades
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    Their first few albums are still good. Pretty emo but good.
    left my ice coffee too far back in the fridge, now it's frozen. oh the irony, THE SWEET HORRIBLE IRONY
    Oh no, something is definitely wrong with my fridge. It's not really mine per se, I'm renting, and the fridge's part of the outfit. I'm considering complaining to the landlord, but it seems like it'd be a huge stupid hastle, so I'm putting it off for later :0
    (god I'm sick of always renting... )
    The advantage in renting is not paying the 200 dollars for the new fridge.
    For days I've admired a spider hanging outside my window. Perfectly posed against the nordic summer night sun. Finally, it caught an insect
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    It wasted no time, rushed down, and started wrapping the little insect up - then relocated it to higher up in the net. I didn't know spiders would relocate their catches. It might actually be consuming it allready. Well, it's been days without any catches. Patient spider. Good spider.
    Oh yeah, it's definitely eating the bug. Nom nom nom, well done spider - and right outside my window! A proper little gate-keeper. I'm pleased.
    Fuckin... had a walk in the woods the other day - nice walk, only hickup ONE weird looking horse-fly(?) lands on my arm, and insta-bites
    When it comes to time of day I am sure they bask at certain times so that would be when you would want to look. Otherwise they will be submerged or hiding in the weeds.
    Ever seen beavers? Not doing a pun, btw :D Here in Trondheim, real wilderness is always like 10 minutes from the outskirts, and there's a beaver-dam near a stretch of road I bicycled 2-3 times a week as a kid+teen, going to and fro my dad's place
    Morning, midday, evening, midnight, did not matter - I never saw them! To this day, I never saw them. People would tell me, "oh, they're right there, you can see them from the road."

    I haven't given up. I *will* find them.
    US confirmed curve does steady upswing lately, with yesterday marked 34.7K, comparable to the peaks of March. Rapid new contenders are -
    If you have a cold you have COVID. That is why America has top Cold War statistics right now.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    UK is about to get a lot lot worse. Pubs reopen on July 4th and there will be a literal bull stampede of people going to have their summer pints.
    Deleted member 98605
    Estimates are all over the fucking place. The only good takeaway is if that the US cases are 10x reported than this shit ain't world-ending; I guess. I still don't want to gamble with it and will continue with precautions cause fuck this thing.
    I always red-flag when professed non-racists throw in blue and green people for good measure.
    Coincidentally, vikings thought Africans were blue-skinned, due to hazy recollections by rare-and-far-between eyewitnesses, and to this very day, the term "blåneger" denotes a *very* dark skinned person, like petrol dark.
    Harald bluetoot must have bad mouth and attempt to cover it with clever name.
    damn, overpinch just a tad, and everything tastes like one big pile of rosemary
    Your food was filled with demons so the Rosemary got rid of them for you.
    'twas delicious, reindeer strips with mushrooms, onion and sour cream, on top of a big puffy pillow of mashed potatoes
    One can almost regard these kind of maneuvers as the manufacture of geopolitical bargaigning chip, which is, you know, sad... when you think of individual soldiers dying up in those god forsaken mountains, so that one or the other country can get some of that negotiation powers for the next sit-down.
    Geopolitics in 2020 is something that needs to be put in a game. Like if this was a random special event in Civilization people would scoff at it but it is real.
    Eh, their Kung-Flu skills have the higher body count.
    I love how when I sarcastically probe Q-Anon types for a reaction, they never detect my snark at first. Such reason, eh, such logic.
    Lol, can you hear their hearts shattering? :v
    I think Autism is too cliche an explanation and kind of an unfair one. Lotta people are cringelords who can't detect sarcasm without them having any dyagnosis at all. Specially common with teenagers who take themselves waaaaaay too seriously.
    I keep seeing that word QAnon during my adventures on the internet, but I obviate investigating further.
    I want an expensive suit. Like a really really expensive suit. Like obnoxiously expensive. I googled, and woo, "Armani" is like, for plebs
    I have a decent view from here, and at night I can sometimes see little blue lights blinking into the city glitter. It's very pretty
    The football stadium hotel here has shaped a heart with their lit-vs-darkened windows every night since the pandemic begun. That too is kinda cute.
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