zegh8578 Sep 1, 2020 One of the depressing things bout googling stuff lately, is all the "U WANNA BUY!?" results. No, man, I'm just curious bout stuff...
One of the depressing things bout googling stuff lately, is all the "U WANNA BUY!?" results. No, man, I'm just curious bout stuff...
zegh8578 Aug 30, 2020 Lately I'm spotting Mars a lot, in the eastern sky, fairly low in the sky, but well above the horizon
Lately I'm spotting Mars a lot, in the eastern sky, fairly low in the sky, but well above the horizon
zegh8578 Aug 24, 2020 fucking peasants, man... whenever someone religious tells me I should read about Jesus, because they think I'm unaware - - - of Jesus.
fucking peasants, man... whenever someone religious tells me I should read about Jesus, because they think I'm unaware - - - of Jesus.
zegh8578 Aug 1, 2020 Early dawn, horizon is reddish yellow, sky is dark blue, and a single celestial object is visible, clearly, brightly shining Venus
Early dawn, horizon is reddish yellow, sky is dark blue, and a single celestial object is visible, clearly, brightly shining Venus
zegh8578 Jul 31, 2020 Btw, as much as I love bikes, I'm never getting a bicycle-guy outfit, god those condom-suits are obnoxious
Btw, as much as I love bikes, I'm never getting a bicycle-guy outfit, god those condom-suits are obnoxious
zegh8578 Jul 31, 2020 would it be weird if I just went and bought a jar of pesto, and ate that shit with a spoon?
zegh8578 Jul 31, 2020 Christ man, someone told me that you can work your way up to become a billionaire. Why do people believe that stupid shit!?
Christ man, someone told me that you can work your way up to become a billionaire. Why do people believe that stupid shit!?
zegh8578 Jul 4, 2020 left my ice coffee too far back in the fridge, now it's frozen. oh the irony, THE SWEET HORRIBLE IRONY
left my ice coffee too far back in the fridge, now it's frozen. oh the irony, THE SWEET HORRIBLE IRONY
zegh8578 Jun 28, 2020 For days I've admired a spider hanging outside my window. Perfectly posed against the nordic summer night sun. Finally, it caught an insect
For days I've admired a spider hanging outside my window. Perfectly posed against the nordic summer night sun. Finally, it caught an insect
zegh8578 Jun 24, 2020 Fuckin... had a walk in the woods the other day - nice walk, only hickup ONE weird looking horse-fly(?) lands on my arm, and insta-bites
Fuckin... had a walk in the woods the other day - nice walk, only hickup ONE weird looking horse-fly(?) lands on my arm, and insta-bites
zegh8578 Jun 24, 2020 US confirmed curve does steady upswing lately, with yesterday marked 34.7K, comparable to the peaks of March. Rapid new contenders are -
US confirmed curve does steady upswing lately, with yesterday marked 34.7K, comparable to the peaks of March. Rapid new contenders are -
zegh8578 Jun 19, 2020 I always red-flag when professed non-racists throw in blue and green people for good measure.
zegh8578 Jun 18, 2020 damn, overpinch just a tad, and everything tastes like one big pile of rosemary
zegh8578 Jun 18, 2020 Wtf did the Chinese army just kung-fu 20 Indian soldiers to death!? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53061476
Wtf did the Chinese army just kung-fu 20 Indian soldiers to death!? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53061476
zegh8578 May 20, 2020 I love how when I sarcastically probe Q-Anon types for a reaction, they never detect my snark at first. Such reason, eh, such logic.
I love how when I sarcastically probe Q-Anon types for a reaction, they never detect my snark at first. Such reason, eh, such logic.
zegh8578 May 19, 2020 I want an expensive suit. Like a really really expensive suit. Like obnoxiously expensive. I googled, and woo, "Armani" is like, for plebs
I want an expensive suit. Like a really really expensive suit. Like obnoxiously expensive. I googled, and woo, "Armani" is like, for plebs
zegh8578 May 19, 2020 I have a decent view from here, and at night I can sometimes see little blue lights blinking into the city glitter. It's very pretty
I have a decent view from here, and at night I can sometimes see little blue lights blinking into the city glitter. It's very pretty