First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

That video does really encapsulate how I've managed to play through Fallouts 1, 2, and New Vegas at least a dozen times each, but I get bored and quit midway through every time I replay a Bethesda game. After all, if the only real appeal is "what do you, the player, think is cool" once you've seen everything, there's no real reason to come back; whereas when you're RPing a character, the "what would this character do here" doesn't run out of steam until you run out of characters you think would be interesting to RP.
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From my usual encounter of Deathclaws, they're by far the least threatening creature in game, despite that stupid "lol ima grab ya and instakill ya, DICE ROLL" moment. Main reasons are:
-They actually move sluggishly, even when running on all fours.
-Their attacks are mostly wind up slashes and hardly cover distance, meaning the player can just slightly shift to the left or right depending in how the Deathclaw is slashing.
-Their "Imsuperdupermad!" Roar animation leaves them terribly open for gut shots, which is their critical main weakness in Fallout 4 now. Apparently they're crocodiles/alligators now.
From my usual encounter of Deathclaws, they're by far the least threatening creature in game, despite that stupid "lol ima grab ya and instakill ya, DICE ROLL" moment. Main reasons are:
-They actually move sluggishly, even when running on all fours.
-Their attacks are mostly wind up slashes and hardly cover distance, meaning the player can just slightly shift to the left or right depending in how the Deathclaw is slashing.
-Their "Imsuperdupermad!" Roar animation leaves them terribly open for gut shots, which is their critical main weakness in Fallout 4 now. Apparently they're crocodiles/alligators now.

Yeah they're hell easy to kill. Deathclaws have long lost their fearsome demeanour.
Criticals only happen in VATS which I don't use(why criticals don't happen by chance and based off of SPECIAL is beyond me which would've helped the fight).

There are also Sneak critical or have you forgotten? And whatever your reasons of not using VATS are your own, but if you decided to play on a hardest difficulty and not use everything the game offers you to make the fights easier, then please, don't bitch about how enemies are hard to kill.

I shouldn't have to resort to using drugs every fight just because Bethesda can't balance their game.

Stop acting like every fight is so hard that you'd need to resort to drugs. It's not like every enemy you meet is a Raider with power armor or a Deathclaw and these enemies are examples when resorting to drugs is expected.

I said the Deathclaw does that because that's all he did in my game besides slightly moving left or right to miss my bullets. You do realize you can stand on top of the buildings and never have to jump down to fight him unless he goes off screen. If you think I was going to jump down and fight it just to get instakilled by one claw swipe in power armor and around 80% full health then your mistaken. I mean he could've thrown debris at me but that would mean that they could actually pull it off, surprised they didn't take the bullymong throw attack from Borderlands 2.

Explains why you need a custom survival mod.
Fights aren't really hard. They just take forever. Even playing on Survival isn't challenging, just tedious. I literaly have never been killed by a Deathclaw or Behemot in this game. Most of the things that have killed me are either the Suicider units or random Mini Nukes shot from off screen.
On Survival I wasted all of my minigun rounds and a ton of small arm bullets before he would go down. It was absurd how many bullets he took.
Yeah I can't find it hard if it's not, I did play it on survival without that mod until I realized even a simple mole rat took 10 or more hits to kill with a shotgun point blank range with upgrades. I must be of the belief it's hard if it takes forever to kill an enemy. No it means it's BORING like the kind of boring that makes me want to exit the game to play a good game, a better game without taking 40 bullets to kill a damn rat for example. Why are you so insistent on defending this crap? It's called an artificial difficulty and a bad one at that.
Maybe Bethesda should've taken some lessons from Dead Money. Cause my overpowered character is getting his ass handed to him in that DLC.
Those triple suicider mutants are the only thing that really makes me run for it, because wtf... :D
Even if I manage to down one of them, there's two more right there with him, pulling the pins on their nukes

So far, the only solution is to "sacrifice" my companion (which I am now wondering might actually BE a feature, since you can indeed order them into positions. Whenever I hear that ticky ticky sound, I just send my companion right for them, to get it over with)
Just another decimal more and New Vegas will officially have a higher score than FO4.

Those triple suicider mutants are the only thing that really makes me run for it, because wtf... :D
Even if I manage to down one of them, there's two more right there with him, pulling the pins on their nukes

So far, the only solution is to "sacrifice" my companion (which I am now wondering might actually BE a feature, since you can indeed order them into positions. Whenever I hear that ticky ticky sound, I just send my companion right for them, to get it over with)

With "Blitz" I can now kill suicider units with Melee attacks. Of course VATS protects me better than any armor.
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Dunno where else to ask this but why isn't NMA News giving updates on this:

Yeah I can't find it hard if it's not, I did play it on survival without that mod untilI realized even a simple mole rat took 10 or more hits to kill with a shotgun point blank range with upgrades. I must be of the belief it's hard if it takes forever to kill an enemy. No it means it's BORING like the kind of boring that makes me want to exit the game to play a good game, a better game without taking 40 bullets to kill a damn rat for example. Why are you so insistent on defending this crap? It's called an artificial difficulty and a bad one at that.

The question is not why I'm defending it, but why are you are you so insistent on hating the mode? With every post you always make up some bullshit reason to justify your hate. First it's the instakills, then the there are no other criticals, not to mention your claim that you need to use drugs in every battle, now a simple mole rat needs ten shots to be killed from a fully upgraded shotgun in point blank? Really, what's next? You need 2 mini nukes to kill a bloatfly?
The mode is nothing what you try to make it be. It just made enemies buffier requiring you to invest more in your damage perks and keep your gear always upgraded whenever you get the chance. And there's nothing too special what few chems wouldn't help dealing with. If you don't like it because the fights are more longer and become boring to you, then please, switch the difficulty and enjoy your game rather than making it sound like survival is some sort of boogeyman mode.