zegh8578 Mar 7, 2019 I really love mango, but there's no way to cut one open without significant waste, either juice or pulp or both :/
I really love mango, but there's no way to cut one open without significant waste, either juice or pulp or both :/
zegh8578 Mar 7, 2019 Interstellar is really cool, up untill it gets really dumb. Like "let's use the lunchbreak to brainstorm the movie wrap-up" kind of dumb
Interstellar is really cool, up untill it gets really dumb. Like "let's use the lunchbreak to brainstorm the movie wrap-up" kind of dumb
zegh8578 Mar 5, 2019 Christ, whyyy Windows... Every single problem, fix-pages are filled with "not working, anything else?" replies, page up and page down
Christ, whyyy Windows... Every single problem, fix-pages are filled with "not working, anything else?" replies, page up and page down
zegh8578 Feb 21, 2019 Sooo the next invasion-for-oil is Venezuela. Every potential military ally they had pulled out in 2018, simultaneously.
Sooo the next invasion-for-oil is Venezuela. Every potential military ally they had pulled out in 2018, simultaneously.
zegh8578 Feb 21, 2019 I really don't get the whole "what happened to Jessie? Finally we will find out!" dude, right, okay, so, Jessie gets his GED and the movie
I really don't get the whole "what happened to Jessie? Finally we will find out!" dude, right, okay, so, Jessie gets his GED and the movie
zegh8578 Feb 17, 2019 Ugh, I was trying to google Calvin and Hobbes coloration, since Norwegian comics consistently shows him with a green shirt, while the -
Ugh, I was trying to google Calvin and Hobbes coloration, since Norwegian comics consistently shows him with a green shirt, while the -
zegh8578 Feb 16, 2019 Today I saw my first incel-comic. My brain hurts now, and my eyes seem to be producing arsenic.
zegh8578 Feb 16, 2019 Sometimes I dream that I'll make some asinine tweet or shout, and that due to cosmic unpredictability, it'll start a domino effect that will
Sometimes I dream that I'll make some asinine tweet or shout, and that due to cosmic unpredictability, it'll start a domino effect that will
zegh8578 Feb 15, 2019 I still can't get over Ben Shapiro thinks real-estate developers would be buying up submerged land in case of catastrophic flooding
I still can't get over Ben Shapiro thinks real-estate developers would be buying up submerged land in case of catastrophic flooding
zegh8578 Feb 14, 2019 Macedonia officially becomes North-Macedonia. One long lasting geopolitical dispute solved, 1367 to go!
Macedonia officially becomes North-Macedonia. One long lasting geopolitical dispute solved, 1367 to go!
zegh8578 Feb 8, 2019 I got a soft spot for those clip-ti-clop sounds made by really hard formal shoes. I always wanted a pair, but... I can't just walka round
I got a soft spot for those clip-ti-clop sounds made by really hard formal shoes. I always wanted a pair, but... I can't just walka round
zegh8578 Feb 6, 2019 Man, I just threw some tenderloin together with mushrooms, green pepper, onion and a cheap, pre-made bernaise, and I'm almost coming
Man, I just threw some tenderloin together with mushrooms, green pepper, onion and a cheap, pre-made bernaise, and I'm almost coming
zegh8578 Feb 1, 2019 Despite the cheese, John Woo's "Bullet in the head" remains one of my favorite movies
zegh8578 Jan 15, 2019 To ascend you must die! You must be crucified! For our sins and our lies! Good-Byeee!
zegh8578 Jan 11, 2019 So far every single last one of NMSs main quests have been bugged to fucking hell! Every, last, one Two are bugged broken!
So far every single last one of NMSs main quests have been bugged to fucking hell! Every, last, one Two are bugged broken!