zegh8578 Jul 16, 2019 Just learned of Inuit folk-tales relating to hostile interaction with Norse explorers
zegh8578 Jul 15, 2019 TV pet peeve: Unsolved mysteries - where the conclusion of the program remains "we might never know" - thanks, I could have guessed that >:I
TV pet peeve: Unsolved mysteries - where the conclusion of the program remains "we might never know" - thanks, I could have guessed that >:I
zegh8578 Jul 8, 2019 I am always amazed at some people's attitude towards "the logical". I just saw someone arguing that it seemed strange that America was named
I am always amazed at some people's attitude towards "the logical". I just saw someone arguing that it seemed strange that America was named
zegh8578 Jul 3, 2019 Although I appreciate the sentiment, I'm not at all a fan of certain Youtube uploads having their title and description translated
Although I appreciate the sentiment, I'm not at all a fan of certain Youtube uploads having their title and description translated
zegh8578 Jul 1, 2019 Whenever I see photos of poutine, I always think "jeez, that was the best picture they could find!?"
zegh8578 Jun 20, 2019 Havin a glass of mead. It's okay. Not a "whoa, new favorite!" or anything, but I can see people drinking it.
Havin a glass of mead. It's okay. Not a "whoa, new favorite!" or anything, but I can see people drinking it.
zegh8578 Jun 20, 2019 Why on earth does spiderman shoot web out his wrist, btw? I mean, his mutation is directly related to spiders, not a convenient deliberate
Why on earth does spiderman shoot web out his wrist, btw? I mean, his mutation is directly related to spiders, not a convenient deliberate
zegh8578 Jun 16, 2019 I'm so amused that "Sargon" shaved looks the same as bearded, just as if his beard got painted over with skin
I'm so amused that "Sargon" shaved looks the same as bearded, just as if his beard got painted over with skin
zegh8578 May 26, 2019 Btw, "The Doors" are excrutiatingly boring, every damn song just bores me to tears. There, I said it.
Btw, "The Doors" are excrutiatingly boring, every damn song just bores me to tears. There, I said it.
zegh8578 May 26, 2019 lacking spellchecks prompt me to keep adding words to the list, to the point where I'm suspecting I've added actual typos TO the list
lacking spellchecks prompt me to keep adding words to the list, to the point where I'm suspecting I've added actual typos TO the list
zegh8578 May 24, 2019 Btw, whos idea was these cooking bags for food? Christ how clunky, and more and more food comes with these bags now
Btw, whos idea was these cooking bags for food? Christ how clunky, and more and more food comes with these bags now
zegh8578 May 24, 2019 I'm wondering if I'm the only bird-lover who does not have some childish, hateful bias towards cats...
I'm wondering if I'm the only bird-lover who does not have some childish, hateful bias towards cats...
zegh8578 May 7, 2019 Picked NMS for a couple of random moments of play, immediately hit suicide-button (R1)
zegh8578 May 2, 2019 Eh... I need an architectural word, and I cannot find it cus I dunno how the hell to even google for it :S - When a wall is not flat - but
Eh... I need an architectural word, and I cannot find it cus I dunno how the hell to even google for it :S - When a wall is not flat - but
zegh8578 May 2, 2019 Sigh, I'm googling up survival-rate for plants that are denied sunlight, and top result is a direct question - with NO fucking answer
Sigh, I'm googling up survival-rate for plants that are denied sunlight, and top result is a direct question - with NO fucking answer
zegh8578 May 1, 2019 µ-Ziq's Xenith Filigree Anus is not only an awesome track, but is one of the better track names ever
zegh8578 Apr 29, 2019 SOME spoilers: the latest GoT episodes shows me how D&D as writers simply do not comprehend the possible scope of this particular fantasy
SOME spoilers: the latest GoT episodes shows me how D&D as writers simply do not comprehend the possible scope of this particular fantasy