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  • Youtube simply "monsoon" looking for footage, and first page is all about "tokyo hotel" and their song apparently named so... The hate grows
    The youtube/google algorithms are probably one of the most detrimental pieces of human technology ever concieved of. It has to be destroyed before it destroys us.
    Just add "footage" to your search and you will find what you need.
    You have to trick it by Google search with site operator, i.e. by putting "monsoon site:youtube.com" without quotation marks in the google search query. First three hits are educational youtube videos with youtube trending algorithm clearly bypassed.
    Man did I get suckered in by the bologna deal. Two packs for one! Like a doofus I bite, and now I have too much bologna about to expire
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    Now I'm having like 6 bologna sandwiches, like some fanatic
    I know this feeling too well sometimes.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Chicks dig bologna.
    Lal how did I guess Russia would top tobacco smoking statistics, along with Serbia, Romania and Greece
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    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    you're an autist, maybe that's your secret superpower?
    Naturally, however, I still surprise myself
    New Caledonia most likely to remain part of France. Lame... Understandable, but lame. Who the hell would want to be French!?
    Maybe being french is fine unless you're in France?
    Isn't French interchangeable with Muslim and African these days?
    if 10% African and "12% Other religion" means = African and Muslim, then sure. Like how there are apparently no more Swedes in Sweden.
    Urgh, Hardcore Mode in NV would be so much more rewarding if it didn't bug and reset all the damn time...
    I am continously astounded that so many people still regard sharp satire as "making fun of the victims"...
    I get all that, and intention is paramount in every case. In most cases, satire is used with the intent to shed light on an issue. Sure, it could be done sincerely, like a Ted-Talk, but... then what's the point? What's the point of poetry, if you can just say what you mean with normal syntax? "Life is kind of difficult right now." <---half of all poetry ever written
    There is very little benefit-of-doubt going around. And I have myself been a bit greedy with that benefit. A lot of the "free speech" and "political correctness is hurting society" I have been very quick to attack as being mere shields for hate-speech - which it often is. But *the very dynamic* of satire, would be to - for example - parody the hate-speeching champion of free speech
    I guess it keeps coming down to irony itself, in or outside of internet really, being very much a matter of who you are and who knows you. Like you said, with friends there is very little to worry about, but as soon as you're talking in public, you can rely mostly only on the fans who know you...
    As a rule, I never click a youtube video that has a red circle somewhere in the thumbnail.
    Nothing brings the rage out in me like very simple things that stop working for absolutely no reason - this time, a mechanical pen.
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    Because it's supernatural. It's a HOLE IN A STRUCTURE, that somehow BLOCKS PASSAGE - for NO REASON. I'm an atheist, and this fucking piece of shit pen is challenging my entire world view. Well, it's in fucking pieces now anyway, tore it apart, and now my hand hurts.
    Reminds me of my awful luck with batteries. I can put them in as gently and methodically as possible, but they'll never work. I'll switch sides, try a new pair, everything. But I have to sit there fiddling with these shitty fucking batteries until I roll a critical success and they decide to fucking work
    It is a true comfort that others also suffer with these kinds of things!
    Today I learned that the ICZN (who control scientific nomenclature in biology) actually has a clause recommending not ending honorary -
    names with -anus. Latin grammar is full of -us, and it is often unavoidable, in terms of grammar and vocabulary, but when naming a species from a person, one is recommended to take extra care to not slip an -anus at the end
    oh boy Gran Turismo 7 *is* in the works! Maybe 3 fuckin years from now, but hurray :o Back to waiting!
    Lal I forgot all about "solid dick", it's got good potential, "that's some solid dick shit dude!" it just rolls off the tongue!
    That's where it's from
    Too bad that one is Fake News from the MSM.
    But the Joker braging about pulling the biggest boner is real.
    At no point have I ever doubted the potential of the Joker's boner.
    What is it with Windows and "don't show again", "don't ask again" checks? It's always ignored, they should just replace it with "Lol fuck u"
    Lol, thought to myself "haven't dicked around in GTAO in a while. Let's go roam around maybe do some double rp whatevs"
    "GTA game services can't herpa derp error disconnect crash incompetence OK"

    OK indeed.
    Big No
    Big No
    You were spared. Five minutes in GTAO and you would've been either griefed by Oppressors/Deluxo's/Tryhards or you've would've been kicked by people using lagswitches. No hyperbole.
    I always play in invite-only lobby. Anything else is just projectile vomit
    You can all stop fretting now!
    I'm back from my 3 day vacation to Røros! The next time I leave, I promise to let ALL of you know, so you won't have to worry yourselves half to death
    Oh thank God. I was worried half to death. Call more often.
    Hm, this made-for-netflix crime docu series feature these little moments of for-dramatic-effect gun closeups, "baaang!" and, at first -
    nothing seemed too odd, a typical for tv docu effect, closeup of a gun going bang, but, there's no slide movement. Fine, fake guns for a tv production, but then... I'm pretty sure they're actually using lighter guns :I
    Another shooting in the US? I find that hard to believe :)
    Among other losses in the Rio museum fire are lots of dinosaur holotypic specimens
    This applies for any collection that follows similar rules. It's not just about, say, arrowheads being lost, but the academic implication of "primary specimens", representative of established types, being eliminated. Museum collections destroyed leaves knowledge vacuums that last centuries
    Cobra Commander
    Cobra Commander
    the reflection of a failed state in a country where education will always be in the background. But to build Olympic complexes (which alias, have also been abandoned) the money appears
    If it was in a Rio how did it catch on fire?
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