zegh8578 Jan 15, 2019 To ascend you must die! You must be crucified! For our sins and our lies! Good-Byeee!
zegh8578 Jan 11, 2019 So far every single last one of NMSs main quests have been bugged to fucking hell! Every, last, one Two are bugged broken!
So far every single last one of NMSs main quests have been bugged to fucking hell! Every, last, one Two are bugged broken!
zegh8578 Jan 10, 2019 I made scallops today, like a fat cat snob. American import even, idunno if we can get scallop naturally in north Atlantic
I made scallops today, like a fat cat snob. American import even, idunno if we can get scallop naturally in north Atlantic
zegh8578 Jan 9, 2019 Creepy, the air raid alarms. Haven't heard them in a while. Nice to know they work!
zegh8578 Dec 28, 2018 Lol, google earth, "show water", then zoom over Finland, and watch the mechanism just give up...
zegh8578 Dec 27, 2018 People actually call their facebook profiles "Metres to Feet", fucking with my google searches, goddamnit how profoundly i hate people...
People actually call their facebook profiles "Metres to Feet", fucking with my google searches, goddamnit how profoundly i hate people...
zegh8578 Dec 26, 2018 Seriously, cut off water to do roadwork, I'd prefer if they spent a week cutting off water for 1 hour at the time - rather than all damn day
Seriously, cut off water to do roadwork, I'd prefer if they spent a week cutting off water for 1 hour at the time - rather than all damn day
zegh8578 Dec 25, 2018 Have I missed a joke? Why are nearly 27 000 people hashtagging about "Chirstmas"? It's even further down the list of hash suggestions
Have I missed a joke? Why are nearly 27 000 people hashtagging about "Chirstmas"? It's even further down the list of hash suggestions
zegh8578 Dec 4, 2018 From the moment I sat my butt down it begun to snow outside, first proper snowfall of the year. By now the lawn is properly covered
From the moment I sat my butt down it begun to snow outside, first proper snowfall of the year. By now the lawn is properly covered
zegh8578 Dec 3, 2018 there's a roe deer litterally right outside the window, metre and a half from my face. It can't see me for the blinds and reflection
there's a roe deer litterally right outside the window, metre and a half from my face. It can't see me for the blinds and reflection
zegh8578 Nov 29, 2018 Today I bought a bottle of gløgg, or mulled wine. I bought a pack of raisins and crushed almonds to go with it. It should be good!
Today I bought a bottle of gløgg, or mulled wine. I bought a pack of raisins and crushed almonds to go with it. It should be good!
zegh8578 Nov 19, 2018 Youtube simply "monsoon" looking for footage, and first page is all about "tokyo hotel" and their song apparently named so... The hate grows
Youtube simply "monsoon" looking for footage, and first page is all about "tokyo hotel" and their song apparently named so... The hate grows
zegh8578 Nov 17, 2018 Man did I get suckered in by the bologna deal. Two packs for one! Like a doofus I bite, and now I have too much bologna about to expire
Man did I get suckered in by the bologna deal. Two packs for one! Like a doofus I bite, and now I have too much bologna about to expire
zegh8578 Nov 8, 2018 As fun as the Lethal Weapons movies are, I really abhor that 80s saxophone score
zegh8578 Nov 5, 2018 Lal how did I guess Russia would top tobacco smoking statistics, along with Serbia, Romania and Greece
Lal how did I guess Russia would top tobacco smoking statistics, along with Serbia, Romania and Greece
ayy lmao go steal shit from a factory
ayy lmao go deliver these drugs
ayy lmao scan a tree