zegh8578 Nov 29, 2018 Today I bought a bottle of gløgg, or mulled wine. I bought a pack of raisins and crushed almonds to go with it. It should be good!
Today I bought a bottle of gløgg, or mulled wine. I bought a pack of raisins and crushed almonds to go with it. It should be good!
zegh8578 Nov 19, 2018 Youtube simply "monsoon" looking for footage, and first page is all about "tokyo hotel" and their song apparently named so... The hate grows
Youtube simply "monsoon" looking for footage, and first page is all about "tokyo hotel" and their song apparently named so... The hate grows
zegh8578 Nov 17, 2018 Man did I get suckered in by the bologna deal. Two packs for one! Like a doofus I bite, and now I have too much bologna about to expire
Man did I get suckered in by the bologna deal. Two packs for one! Like a doofus I bite, and now I have too much bologna about to expire
zegh8578 Nov 8, 2018 As fun as the Lethal Weapons movies are, I really abhor that 80s saxophone score
zegh8578 Nov 5, 2018 Lal how did I guess Russia would top tobacco smoking statistics, along with Serbia, Romania and Greece
Lal how did I guess Russia would top tobacco smoking statistics, along with Serbia, Romania and Greece
zegh8578 Nov 4, 2018 New Caledonia most likely to remain part of France. Lame... Understandable, but lame. Who the hell would want to be French!?
New Caledonia most likely to remain part of France. Lame... Understandable, but lame. Who the hell would want to be French!?
zegh8578 Nov 3, 2018 Urgh, Hardcore Mode in NV would be so much more rewarding if it didn't bug and reset all the damn time...
Urgh, Hardcore Mode in NV would be so much more rewarding if it didn't bug and reset all the damn time...
zegh8578 Oct 30, 2018 I am continously astounded that so many people still regard sharp satire as "making fun of the victims"...
I am continously astounded that so many people still regard sharp satire as "making fun of the victims"...
zegh8578 Oct 29, 2018 As a rule, I never click a youtube video that has a red circle somewhere in the thumbnail.
zegh8578 Oct 27, 2018 Nothing brings the rage out in me like very simple things that stop working for absolutely no reason - this time, a mechanical pen.
Nothing brings the rage out in me like very simple things that stop working for absolutely no reason - this time, a mechanical pen.
zegh8578 Oct 26, 2018 Today I learned that the ICZN (who control scientific nomenclature in biology) actually has a clause recommending not ending honorary -
Today I learned that the ICZN (who control scientific nomenclature in biology) actually has a clause recommending not ending honorary -
zegh8578 Oct 16, 2018 oh boy Gran Turismo 7 *is* in the works! Maybe 3 fuckin years from now, but hurray Back to waiting!
zegh8578 Oct 5, 2018 Lal I forgot all about "solid dick", it's got good potential, "that's some solid dick shit dude!" it just rolls off the tongue!
Lal I forgot all about "solid dick", it's got good potential, "that's some solid dick shit dude!" it just rolls off the tongue!
zegh8578 Oct 4, 2018 What is it with Windows and "don't show again", "don't ask again" checks? It's always ignored, they should just replace it with "Lol fuck u"
What is it with Windows and "don't show again", "don't ask again" checks? It's always ignored, they should just replace it with "Lol fuck u"
zegh8578 Oct 1, 2018 Lol, thought to myself "haven't dicked around in GTAO in a while. Let's go roam around maybe do some double rp whatevs"
Lol, thought to myself "haven't dicked around in GTAO in a while. Let's go roam around maybe do some double rp whatevs"
zegh8578 Sep 15, 2018 Hm, this made-for-netflix crime docu series feature these little moments of for-dramatic-effect gun closeups, "baaang!" and, at first -
Hm, this made-for-netflix crime docu series feature these little moments of for-dramatic-effect gun closeups, "baaang!" and, at first -