zegh8578 Jan 28, 2020 Most people, it appears, have a pretty shit idea of what "high resolution" is supposed to mean. "500x500 high res" gtfo...
Most people, it appears, have a pretty shit idea of what "high resolution" is supposed to mean. "500x500 high res" gtfo...
zegh8578 Dec 23, 2019 Watching R-Kelly docu on Netflix, woman is sobbing after seeing her daughter again, "God is real! Thank you God, thank you for my daughter!"
Watching R-Kelly docu on Netflix, woman is sobbing after seeing her daughter again, "God is real! Thank you God, thank you for my daughter!"
zegh8578 Dec 18, 2019 I think this is third time in a week that Paul Joseph Watson has been vocally criticizing capitalism on Twitter. Whatever the deal is -
I think this is third time in a week that Paul Joseph Watson has been vocally criticizing capitalism on Twitter. Whatever the deal is -
zegh8578 Dec 13, 2019 God fucking damn it, I accidentally clicked Laura Loomers website, now my Google algorithms are gonna go full alt-right on me :I
God fucking damn it, I accidentally clicked Laura Loomers website, now my Google algorithms are gonna go full alt-right on me :I
zegh8578 Dec 13, 2019 Cool, Bougainville vote overwhelmingly for independence. Non-binding though, but interesting enough. Next, New Caledonia, perhaps?
Cool, Bougainville vote overwhelmingly for independence. Non-binding though, but interesting enough. Next, New Caledonia, perhaps?
zegh8578 Dec 3, 2019 Randomly researching overdoses for writing, and "most commonly asked" on Google is "what happens to your soul when you overdose?"
Randomly researching overdoses for writing, and "most commonly asked" on Google is "what happens to your soul when you overdose?"
zegh8578 Dec 1, 2019 Btw, I swear, birdies are among the most obnoxious kind of animal lovers - and that's coming from someone who *loves* birds...
Btw, I swear, birdies are among the most obnoxious kind of animal lovers - and that's coming from someone who *loves* birds...
zegh8578 Nov 21, 2019 Aaand Youtube is immediately giving me Oblivion-related videos now, likely based solely on the below post. Shut down the internet plz =I
Aaand Youtube is immediately giving me Oblivion-related videos now, likely based solely on the below post. Shut down the internet plz =I
zegh8578 Nov 21, 2019 5 minutes into nostalgia-playing Oblivion, the game crashes, and the save-file is corrupted. MEMORIES
5 minutes into nostalgia-playing Oblivion, the game crashes, and the save-file is corrupted. MEMORIES
zegh8578 Nov 19, 2019 Quick and easy my goddamn ass, tried to get 4 gifts through online stores, and so far spent hours w errors and other bullshit
Quick and easy my goddamn ass, tried to get 4 gifts through online stores, and so far spent hours w errors and other bullshit
zegh8578 Nov 18, 2019 I wonder how much human history must pass, before a functioning Norwegian spellcheck manifests into existence.
I wonder how much human history must pass, before a functioning Norwegian spellcheck manifests into existence.
zegh8578 Nov 6, 2019 Finally got around to watch The Raid. Haven't felt this eager to kick and punch shit since I watched The Matrix as a teen
Finally got around to watch The Raid. Haven't felt this eager to kick and punch shit since I watched The Matrix as a teen
zegh8578 Oct 22, 2019 So, I went and had myself a random little seizure, and spent 2 days in the hospital. I'm back now, all tests say I'm fine, but now I'm
So, I went and had myself a random little seizure, and spent 2 days in the hospital. I'm back now, all tests say I'm fine, but now I'm
zegh8578 Oct 16, 2019 Kurdish forces ally with Syrian gvt, in a compromise where survival as a people outweigh the desire for independence. That's rough.
Kurdish forces ally with Syrian gvt, in a compromise where survival as a people outweigh the desire for independence. That's rough.