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  • Most people, it appears, have a pretty shit idea of what "high resolution" is supposed to mean. "500x500 high res" gtfo...
    I watch pretty much everything online in 480p because even though I can see a difference with 720p and an even bigger difference with 1080p, it is my opinion that 480p is a really decent resolution. If you go lower, though, things sometimes start to look as if they're made out of polygons. I recently watched a boxing match in 360p and at times it looked like a video game. Really odd.
    That's like calling the original resolution for Doom high def.
    That's like calling your wife high def.
    "We'll be there in 15 minutes to pick you up!"
    I don't understand why people like about shit like that. Like "I'm leaving the house now" but yet they still take 20 minutes to make a 5 minute drive. Why the fuck y'all lying?
    I think many want to "sell" their intention to arrive, it bothers me over and over, no matter the distance, from one end of the city to another, like friends too, they're always like "15 minutes tops" when it takes 15 minutes to GET to the goddamn bus stop
    Hope you have a nice x-mas time over there. Don't know if you have snow there, or if you even like snow. May Santa grant you nice gifts etc.
    Watching R-Kelly docu on Netflix, woman is sobbing after seeing her daughter again, "God is real! Thank you God, thank you for my daughter!"
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Woah bro! I didn't know I shared a forum with dirty little incels! We really need to do something about those creeps (shudders), like say make them wear badges...maybe uh-I got it stars! Little stars on their collar then once we've done that we could corral them in some area. Maybe a camp? Yes a camp, then once we have taken them to these camps we can kill them and put them in ove-oh wait never mind...
    A dunce-cap with "so ronery" written down it would probably suffice
    She literally lived there voluntarily and hasn't said a single bad thing about the guy. Seems like manufactured outrage to me.
    I think this is third time in a week that Paul Joseph Watson has been vocally criticizing capitalism on Twitter. Whatever the deal is -
    come over to the other side, Paul, and all your misguided minions. Workers of the world unite!
    Maybe the breidtbart checks aren't clearing up.
    It's Hegelian
    God fucking damn it, I accidentally clicked Laura Loomers website, now my Google algorithms are gonna go full alt-right on me :I
    It's like when Dopa made me click on a Sargon video. Just erase the internet history and cookies and you will be ok.
    Just click on the tab that says "Not Interested" and it shouldn't show up stuff you aren't interested in. Did that when they kept recommending a bunch of Ralph Retort and Metokur shit at me.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Are your tires undamaged?
    Cool, Bougainville vote overwhelmingly for independence. Non-binding though, but interesting enough. Next, New Caledonia, perhaps?
    Not to mention Polynesia. France is a weird beast, in that it still retains actual, litteral colonies around the world. Like - pacific islands like New Caledonia and Polynesia - as well as Guyana - all are considered *actual* France. Like, yes, "c'est la France! rons rons!"
    Ei saa peittää
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    I think I've even seen like a parody Finnish character called "Eisaapeitää" or something, as a nod to the prevalence of those old radiators :V
    Oh, haha. Yea don't cover the radiator. Btw, there was this big transformer box near where I used to live as a kid and on it was in English "Warning!" and the same in Finnish but in Swedish it said "Se upp!" which means look up in English. :D Always wondered why "warning" in other languages would be "look up" in Swedish.
    Well, English does have "look out", Spanish sometimes uses "ojo" as a warning, which litterally means "eye"
    Randomly researching overdoses for writing, and "most commonly asked" on Google is "what happens to your soul when you overdose?"
    That's creepy as fuck.
    That's the thing - with LSD or mushrooms - "getting hooked" is almost not possible, it's too exhausting, physically, mentally - but the solvents are different. They are exhausting - but at the same time weirdly addictive. A friend of mine kept it up for a while, sometimes he would emit fumes from his skin, enough to make me uncomfortable
    Btw, I swear, birdies are among the most obnoxious kind of animal lovers - and that's coming from someone who *loves* birds...
    My house has too many cats and I still see birds and squirrels all the time. I have seen my cats eat one bird and one squirrel once and these were dead bodies they found, not things they hunted.
    Noisy mating birds can be driven off with a weak BB gun.

    Animal behaviorists have a new theory about cats bringing you dead stuff. It's not about "gifting" or anything like that. They exhibit similar behavior with their own kittens. It's meant to teach the importance of hunting. They never see you hunt. It's more a case of, "This is how it's done!"
    Animals are more complex than we give them credit for, in particular "higher" mammals and birds. I'm gonna bet cats bring you kills for more than just one reason.
    I'm not sure about my cat never seeing me hunt - after all, I leave the house, and bring back cat food on a regular basis. What would a cat make of that, other than you hunting like a boss? :D
    Aaand Youtube is immediately giving me Oblivion-related videos now, likely based solely on the below post. Shut down the internet plz =I
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    Depressing, but true. Every now and then I try not to be a hopeless cynic, but... it keeps dragging me back into its murky depths
    It's possible that the Google ads running on this site have tagged you as being interested in Oblivion. Youtube is owned by Google, so they would share that information pretty freely. It could come from anywhere though, Facebook scrapes your messages the same way. The only other things I can think of aside from Google ads is using Chrome while signed into your Google account or if you posted from an Android phone.
    Yesterday I went to the toilet, I may have had my cell phone with me in my jeans pocket. Immediately afterwards, Youtube started giving me diarrhea commercials. :D Skynet is watching us and it's all fucked up. :D
    5 minutes into nostalgia-playing Oblivion, the game crashes, and the save-file is corrupted. MEMORIES
    Quick and easy my goddamn ass, tried to get 4 gifts through online stores, and so far spent hours w errors and other bullshit
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    I did one amazon order, and told my gf, this is kind of morbid, but an interesting experience - maybe this xmas, we get to contribute to someones death by exhaustion indirectly - and just in time for the holidays!
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Amazon allows you to track your delivery, so you can watch their slow trek from Amazon HQ, countless deliveries, then finally to your doorstep. So enjoy!
    That's my experience with ordering things online as well: "Quick and easy my goddamn ass." That's when I remember I really don't like computers very much.
    I wonder how much human history must pass, before a functioning Norwegian spellcheck manifests into existence.
    I think Europe will be majority Muslim in 20 years so Alec is pretty close.
    One projection says 10% within next 50 years, but... you know... muslims are like women in this regard: Let's see them *really* try to take power away from The Conglomerate White Western Man. So, everybody relax, we'll sooner be mass-nuked by Canadians, than *actually* threatened by Arabs.
    It's really easy. You just fuck a lot. Then you win.
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    Finally got around to watch The Raid. Haven't felt this eager to kick and punch shit since I watched The Matrix as a teen
    We instinctively know how to fight: with our arms/hands and legs/feet. And real fights are always clumsy and dirty. There are always more misses than hits. Have you ever watched a boxing match from start to finish, not just the highlights? It's ridiculous how ineffective even the best boxers are. And that's why we invented spears and knives and guns. To stop looking like complete buffoons on the battlefield.
    Absolutely agree. Martial arts in for example athletic setting, looks like a bunch of kids flailing their hands at each others - the rest is coreography and movie trend. Matrix has, hilariously enough, some of the worst looking fighting, since every damn punch or block includes a neat little pause, so one can fully appreciate each pose. Fuckin Karate Kid has more realistic fighting than that
    By now though, it's too cemented in culture, I guess. How many movie baddies just walk away from that well-deserved jaw-punch they recieved? How about having them fall and knock their head against the ground, for then to start shaking and snoring :D
    So, I went and had myself a random little seizure, and spent 2 days in the hospital. I'm back now, all tests say I'm fine, but now I'm
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    As for quality, I was given a room of my own, complete privacy, and no restrictions to visitors, I had a touch screen TV, and those beds with the remote control thing. My gf told me that it easily corresponded to private-hospital levels back in her Portugal.
    And yes - this shit is paid for out of the tax-payers pocket - which kind of is the entire point (especially if the super-rich allow themselves to be taxed just like the rest of us plebs)

    Okay, I'm done "politicizing the moment" now :D
    I'm glad you're ok dude. And I actually know Norway is wealthier than my country so I'd expect them to take good care of you. Glad you're ok now.
    Kurdish forces ally with Syrian gvt, in a compromise where survival as a people outweigh the desire for independence. That's rough.
    And this happening during the Impeachment hearings... doesn't bode well for Cheetolini.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Yeah but you see if the Kurds only helped in Normandy ...
    We'll see how long the cease fire/pause will last now and what will come of it.
    Indeed. I watched the Joker just a few days ago, and I can't remember the last time a movie surprised and excited me to such a degree. "Incels gonna shoot up"-my ass, they're all worried we're gonna start shooting up the rich. I'm not :] honk honk :]
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    I hate to admit this, but I saw it three times already. I'm going to stop now and wait til it's out on dvd, but damn, I really really love that movie.
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