zegh8578 May 4, 2020 Bought me some mead again today. Local low-batch producer from up north (the store-guy could not recommend the "big brand" from Denmark)
Bought me some mead again today. Local low-batch producer from up north (the store-guy could not recommend the "big brand" from Denmark)
zegh8578 Apr 18, 2020 Consistent spike in infection rate probably stemming from easter. Also, people are just bored I guess. Primary schools slated to reopen 27th
Consistent spike in infection rate probably stemming from easter. Also, people are just bored I guess. Primary schools slated to reopen 27th
zegh8578 Apr 9, 2020 Norwegian curve is already beginning to level slightly. Swedish curve is shooting up, wth are they doing!?
Norwegian curve is already beginning to level slightly. Swedish curve is shooting up, wth are they doing!?
zegh8578 Apr 3, 2020 Cue years of people finding "creepy" "predictions" of Coronavirus in various media predating the pandemic, owing to an assumption that
Cue years of people finding "creepy" "predictions" of Coronavirus in various media predating the pandemic, owing to an assumption that
zegh8578 Mar 29, 2020 Yall dudes know the feeling right, when you're in a freefall/low gravity situation, and your ballsack-content rises
Yall dudes know the feeling right, when you're in a freefall/low gravity situation, and your ballsack-content rises
zegh8578 Mar 23, 2020 First hints of daw's sun peering up beyond the horizon after a long, dark winter.
zegh8578 Mar 9, 2020 Sigh, old ladies tearing family-packs of toilet-paper off the shelves in the store today.
zegh8578 Feb 27, 2020 Christ the windows search function is such utter fucking garbage. Didn't work weeks ago, worked for a while, stopped working again...
Christ the windows search function is such utter fucking garbage. Didn't work weeks ago, worked for a while, stopped working again...
zegh8578 Feb 23, 2020 "Oh, that's how it is!" -comic book store guy, when I slammed Akira vol 1-6 on the desk.
zegh8578 Feb 20, 2020 I ate two eggs with expiration date today. They smelled a bit extra eggy, so to speak, but were otherwise okay.
I ate two eggs with expiration date today. They smelled a bit extra eggy, so to speak, but were otherwise okay.
zegh8578 Feb 20, 2020 Much as I've long since outgrown "Spawn", I really admire Greg Capullos work and style. He really outdid Todd McFarlane, with ease
Much as I've long since outgrown "Spawn", I really admire Greg Capullos work and style. He really outdid Todd McFarlane, with ease
zegh8578 Feb 5, 2020 it'd be cool to be on tv as one of those freaks that obsessively only eat one kind of food ever. What'd be your food, while your wife cried?
it'd be cool to be on tv as one of those freaks that obsessively only eat one kind of food ever. What'd be your food, while your wife cried?
zegh8578 Feb 4, 2020 The joy of speaking a language with only 5 million speakers world wide, is that by 2020 - 20 years into the 2000s, we still don't have
The joy of speaking a language with only 5 million speakers world wide, is that by 2020 - 20 years into the 2000s, we still don't have
zegh8578 Feb 1, 2020 "Something which has never occurred since time immemorial: a young woman did not fart in her husband's embrace." actual Sumerian proverb
"Something which has never occurred since time immemorial: a young woman did not fart in her husband's embrace." actual Sumerian proverb
zegh8578 Jan 30, 2020 People who just post a regular tutorial when someone's experiencing a bug or a glitch, needs to be fucking shot in front of their family.
People who just post a regular tutorial when someone's experiencing a bug or a glitch, needs to be fucking shot in front of their family.
zegh8578 Jan 29, 2020 Cops beating up firefighters never get to pull the "next time you need help, don't bother to call!"-argument, ever again
Cops beating up firefighters never get to pull the "next time you need help, don't bother to call!"-argument, ever again